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What do you know?

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1Roughly how many gay men are
there in the UK?
A. 250,000
B. 500,000
C. 1,000,000
D. 2,000,000
2What percentage of gay men have
had bum sex in the last year?
A. Around 65 percent
B. Around 75 percent
C. Around 85 percent
D. Around 100 percent
3What is the biggest cause of HIV
transmission amongst gay men?
A. Alcohol and drug use
B. Sharing drinks
C. Blow-jobs
D. Fucking without condoms
4Why is HIV a potentially
deadly virus?
A. It causes brain tumours
B. It can prevent you from eating
C. It can trigger a heart attack
D. It can destroy your immune
system and leave you vulnerable to
other deadly diseases.
5How do we describe the
HIV status of someone who is
infected with HIV?
A. HIV-negative
B. HIV-neutral
C. HIV-positive
D. HIV-status
6Roughly what percentage of gay
men in London are HIV positive?
A. Three percent
B. Five percent
C. Seven percent
D. 12 percent
7What will help protect you
the most from HIV transmission
when you fuck?
A. Condoms and water or
silicone-based lube
B. Crossing your fingers
C. Prayer
D. Doing it standing up
8Can two men become HIV
positive when they fuck each
other without condoms, if neither of
them already has HIV?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. Rather not say
9How many guys who don’t have
HIV expect a guy with HIV to tell
him he has the virus before they
have sex?
A. One guy out of four
B. One guy out of three
C. Two guys out of three
D. One guy out of ten
10What percentage of gay men
with HIV always tell a partner
they have it before they have sex?
A. 100 percent
B. 95 percent
C. 60 percent
D. 20 percent
11What percentage
of gay men in London
have gone for an HIV test?
A. 25 percent
B. 45 percent
C. 75 percent
D. 85 percent
12How many men infected with
HIV have not been diagnosed?
A. Two-thirds
B. One-half
C. One-third
D. One-tenth
13How many men would
sometimes rather risk HIV
transmission than wear a condom?
A. One in five
B. One in 13
C. One in 19
D. One in 24
14Which bodily fluid has the
highest amount of HIV?
A. Spit
B. Anal mucus (the stuff in your arse)
C. Spunk
D. Blood
1. B - The current estimate is about 500,000 men, which is about 2.6
percent of the population of the UK. And about 125,000 of these
men live in London. Some of these men may not identify as gay, but
this is roughly the number of men who have sex with men.
2. C - Contrary to popular belief, not all gay men are obsessed with
anal sex, although the vast majority of us have tried it.
3. D - While a small number of gay men become infected with HIV
in other ways, the vast majority of infections occur when two men,
one of whom has the virus, fuck without a condom.
4. D - About 200 gay men in the UK still die each year of an AIDS
related illness. If you have been infected with HIV then it is
currently possible to keep the damage the virus does to you under a
reasonable degree of control, however, it is still potentially deadly.
5. C
6. D - That’s around one in eight.
7. A - The most common cause of HIV transmission during sex
between men is fucking without condoms. The second most
common cause is condom failure – so make sure you use your
condoms properly.
8. C - HIV is a virus, not the result of gay sex.
9. C
10. D - Most guys with HIV don’t tell every guy they have sex with
that they have the virus.
11. C - Just because a man tells you he received a negative result
for an HIV test, doesn’t mean it is safe to fuck him without a condom.
His test may have been taken before he was infected or when
HIV was undetectable in his blood, which means he got a negative
result, even though he is carrying the virus.
12. C - Some of them will suspect they are positive, but many of
them won’t. Just because someone thinks he is HIV negative,
doesn’t mean he is negative.
13. B
14. B - The slimy stuff that coats the inside of your arse can have
more HIV in it than spunk or even blood. That’s one of reasons why
a negative guy can catch HIV if he fucks an HIV-positive guy
without a condom.

台長: CCR5
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