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2008-05-23 14:19:03| 人氣1,591| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

FS Magazine, gay men’s health, sex and life

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FS is GMFA’s bi-monthly magazine containing information on gay men’s health and HIV related issues. It provides gay men with health and HIV information, advice, support and research in a clear and understandable format.

Designed to appeal to young gay men, FS is colourful, uses young gay men as models and is written in a style likely to attract this target group. An independent evaluation of FS conducted in 2004 found that while FS is designed specifically for younger gay men, its appeal extends to men of all ages. Moreover, as the following quote from the evaluation demonstrates, FS is also used as a resource for professionals within the HIV sector.

“I read it every time it comes out just because I’m a gay man and I’m part of their target group, also I read it to see if there are things which would be of interest to my colleagues . . . I make sure they know about them, either by photocopying it or sending a copy around saying ’read section whatever’”

Interviewee from evaluation

In 2005-06 each of the six issues had a print run of nearly nineteen thousand. Seventeen thousand copies of each issue were distributed to GUM clinics, bars and clubs in London while the rest were distributed to organisations and individuals around England and Wales.

台長: CCR5
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