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2008-09-09 18:28:51| 人氣112| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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要不然就......>____< 又會想罵彰化....南投...嘉義.....!!

westlife-No Metter What

Chica cha ha ha
Chica cha ha ha
Chica cha ha ha
Chica cha ha ha
Chica cha ha ha
Chica cha ha ha
No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe it’s true
No matter what they call us
However they attack
No matter where they take us
We’ll find our own way back
I can’t deny what I believe
I can’t be what I’m not
I know our love forever
I know no matter what
If only tears were laughter(ooh)
If only night was day(ooh)
If only prayers were answered
(hear my prayers)
Then we could hear God say(say)
No matter what they tell you
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach you
What you believe it’s true
And I will keep you safe and strong
And shelter from the storm
No matter where it’s barren
A dream is being born
No matter who they follow
No matter where they leave
No matter how they judge us
I’ll be everyone you need
No matter if the sun don’t shine
( the sun don’t shine)
Or if the skies are blue
(skies are blue)
No matter what the end is
My life began with you
I can’t deny what I believe
( what I believe)
I can’t be what I’m not
(I know I know )
I know this love’s forever
That’s all that matters now
No matter what
NO no matter what (no,no matter what)
No,no matter what
No,no matter what
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me
No,no matter what
That’s all that matters to me

westlife-To Be With You

Hold on little girl
Show me what he’s doone to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can’t be that bad
When it’s through, it’s through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I’m the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you

I’m the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it’s through, it’s through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I’m the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

台長: 紫色西瓜
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 雜事 |

讚~~真好吃 我第一次一口氣吃了3個
不甜不膩 太好吃了 為什麼讓我吃到那麼好吃得月餅呢 要是我吃不到該怎麼辦呢
2008-09-14 22:22:58
2008-09-14 22:43:29
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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