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2004-08-17 06:52:49| 人氣292| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Vermont, a northern state of New England area, is our destination of this unforgettable trip.

Last weekend, I went to Vermont with my friends to see the factory of Ben& Jerry’s and Teddy bears. Indeed, the main purpose of this trip is to see various factories including ice cream, chocolate and teddy bear. Personally, I have no preference to these factories; however, this is my last trip in New England area except the coming Cancun tour. Also, it is my last chance to hangout with a bunch of friends.

Vermont is famous for the natural scents, diary industries and outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. In our way, I saw the camps all the time. Almost nine out of ten cars are SUVs. It is said that the cows in Vermont are more than Vermonters (they called themselves as Vermonters). Frankly, you could not see anything interesting in Vermont but for trees and grass. It is really a rural area and nothing exciting.

The only thing I want to mention is that we only spent USD24 for the lodging (shared by 12 people). The room is spacious and cozy. I am very satisfied with the quality for the price we paid. One of my friends even brought the DVD player and we sang in the room for all night as we were in the KTV.

Somebody said that the purpose of a tip is not the destination but for the companionship.
I couldn’t realize it before this trip; however, after this trip I think I have the further understanding of this saying.

台長: 巴黎輕霧
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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