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2006-07-18 09:31:09| 人氣921| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

eudaimonia, or flourishing, “doing your best with what you

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eudaimonia, or flourishing, “doing your best with what you are best at".

查理斯•漢迪(Charles Handy) 新出版的《Myself and Other More Important Matters》對話式回憶錄:

「……他回到經典著作中,特別是吸收了亞里斯多德(Aristotle)的 eudaimonia(通常被譯作“幸福”)概念,希望從中獲得靈感。但是漢迪說,這個詞“更好的譯法是‘盡情盛放’,或者是盡最大努力做自己最擅長的事。有趣的是,這個概念也用於組織機構中,只是現代商業大師們稱之為‘優化核心技能’。我更喜歡亞里斯多德的解釋。”……..」
(斯特凡•斯特恩(Stefan Stern)「喜用比喻的管理大師 」譯者/陳家易 梁豔梅,英國《金融時報》,2006年7月18日)

這些想法,在他過去的著作中多次提到。譬如說他那窮困的父親之喪事,在地方上倍受愛戴,引發他追求生命「幸福」的意義。2006年5月17日的The Sunday Times也有一段書介:
The Church of Ireland has had an extraordinary genius for a generous and genial approach to life, with a serious but relaxed practice of religion. Handy felt disappointed that his father did not make more of his life, for he stayed for 40 years in the one parish: yet when he died hundreds of people came to his funeral and witnessed to the influence he had been on their personal lives. His death made Handy rethink his own life. In particular it made him focus on eudaimonia, or flourishing, “doing your best with what you are best at”. It led him out of Shell, where he worked in southeast Asia, via St George’s House, Windsor, and into a life of freelance lecturing and writing.

希臘文eudaimonia(通常被譯作“幸福”,不過希臘哲人談的,是”客觀”而非”主觀”之幸福)。這了解字源(和其希臘哲學之關鍵意思)就方便(Wikipedia第一段):Eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία) is a classical Greek word commonly translated as ’happiness’. Etymologically, it consists of the word "eu" ("good" or "well being") and "daimōn" ("spirit" or "minor deity", used by extension to mean one’s lot or fortune). Although popular usage of the term happiness refers to a state of mind, related to joy or pleasure, eudaimonia rarely describes a state of mind, and the less subjective "human flourishing" is therefore often preferred as a translation.

台長: hc
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