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rush (PLANT) noun [C usually plural] ━━ n. トウシンソウ(灯心草), イ(藺); くだらない物.

a grass-like plant that grows in or near water and whose long thin hollow stems can be dried and made into floor coverings, containers, etc:
a rush mat
not care a rush 何とも思わない.
rush-bearing 〔英〕 献堂祭 ((トウシンソウを壁に飾ったり床にまく)).
rush candle =rushlight.
rush・light, rush-light トウシンソウろうそく; 弱い光; 頼りにならない知識.
為什麼叫燈心草?A rushlight is a type of candle formed using the dried pith of the rush plant as its wick. The green epidermis or rind was peeled to reveal the inner pith, aside from a single strip left to provide support. It was then dipped in any household fat or grease that was available although beeswax or good tallow, especially mutton fat, improved the quality of the light. In particularly thrifty households two strips of epidermis would be left, reducing the light output but extending the life of the rushlight.
Long before electricity or even paraffin candles, a rushlight provided very economical lighting. A rushlight 2/3 of a metre long (about 2 feet) might burn for an hour and cost practically nothing to make.

台長: hc
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