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筆記贈瑞麟兄:法國才女與 La panache :風采堂堂的西哈諾

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上周瑞麟兄的每日一字介紹panache 一字,說明和舉例及其中提問、討論都可觀:「中古法語之拼寫形式為 pennache ,它源自古義大利語 pinnacchio 有「羽毛」之義,原始字源為後期拉丁語 pinnaculum 。它另有一精簡形式 penna 。原來,古歐洲人以羽毛當書寫工具,所以,才有等於中文「筆」義的字彙 pen 的產生。……」

這一字眼之引進英文(19世紀末),跟名劇《西哈諾 或 大鼻子情聖》(Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand)是配套的。【su留言版中,hc用RL大鼻子情人:The play concentrates on Cyrano"s love for the beautiful Roxane, whom he is obliged to woo on behalf of a more conventionally handsome, but less articulate, friend, Christian de Neuvillette, with whom she already is in love. The play has been translated and performed many times, and is responsible for introducing the word panache into the English language.
Rl回答:「根據介紹,好像是《大鼻子情聖》。人與聖可差得很遠很遠唷! 」另外一Francophile之Oba說「拜託,說到大鼻子情聖應該提Gerard Depardieu而不是Steve Martin吧? 」(,沒法度!請多包涵嚕!)】


關於Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand 的舉國瘋狂的報導,可以參考C. Prochasson(1999)《巴黎 1900—歷史文化散論》(桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2005),「羅斯丹事件」(pp.252-59)。

這本《大鼻子情聖》(Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand),我要採用王若壁翻譯本(台北:遠流,1994)。

The entire play is written in verse, in the classic rhymed couplets with 12 syllables per line called alexendrins. It is also meticulously researched, down to the names of the members of the Académie Française and the dame précieuses glimpsed before the performance in the first scene.
It takes place during the reign of Louis XIII, when Cardinal Richelieu was waging war against the Spanish in the north of France and Flanders during the Thirty Years’ War. The siege of Arras, in which Christian de Neuvillette dies is a historical event, which took place in about 1640 and in which the real Cyrano took part at the age of 20.
我原先看不懂其中的dame précieuses 問 rl。他回答:「顯然應該為複數形dames précieuses。其中意思端賴譯者的心態。俗氣點就稱她們作貴婦人;有氣質點就叫作高雅婦人;諷刺點的就叫作造作婦人……等等。」
(事後知道王若壁翻譯本為「才女」。我又讀莫里哀作品《可笑的女才子》(Les PrécieusesRidicules)*Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622–73, *"戲劇全集I", pp.216-48 ,北京:文化藝術出版社。「(她們)愛的只是虛浮的外表,對於赤裸裸的德行她們是不重視的。同樣,真正的女才子看到人家演這種模擬得不像的可笑女子也不會動火。現在沒有什麼東西比才子更不值錢了。」)

**** La panache
這 panache 嗎,『goo辭典』說━━ n. 堂々とした様子, かっこよさ.
『Shorter O.E.D』. 說是:Flamboyantly or stylish confident behaviour; a manner marked by this.
比較通俗的Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 說是:
a stylish, original and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you:
The orchestra played with great panache.
He dressed with panache.

《大鼻子情聖》(Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand),我要採用王若壁翻譯本(台北:遠流,1994)

羅珊妮:( 俯身看他,吻他的額頭) 那是什麼呢?
西哈諾: (睜開眼,認出是她, 對她微笑) 我帽子上的白羽毛*。

*原文 La panache,帽上飾羽,亦可以引申為傲氣、神氣、威風等義。(p.373)


又,2005年9月15日紐約時報之The resurrection of Steve Jobs
When businessmen try to rub shoulders with pop stars, the effect is usually embarrassing. But "Steve" had arranged to have his pal, Madonna, pop up on screen and kidded around with her with panache. Does she have an iPod? Of course she has! "That’s so duh," said the superstar playfully. Then Mr Jobs segued into his announcements—a new mobile phone from Motorola that has iTunes, Apple’s music software, pre-installed and that represents a beachhead into the world of phones; and the "iPod nano", a new digital music-player that is thinner than a pencil, but still holds 1,000 songs.

(kid around 〔話〕 (人を)かつぐ.kid around phrasal verb US INFORMAL
to be silly or not serious:
Stop kidding around and listen to me!

verb [I] ━━ vi. 【楽】間をおかず演奏する.
to move easily and without interruption from one piece of music, part of a story, subject or situation to another:
His performance of ’Alison’ segued into a cover version of ’Tracks of My Tears’.)

***** RL之一引文和翻譯。提幾題討論
Source: Eric Asimov : « New Orleans, a City of Serious Eaters. » New York Times, July 4, 1999
Dessert included a marvelous bread pudding and a fair bananas Foster, the old-time New Orleans dish, which was prepared with great panache tableside, complete with a flambé moment.
甜點有絕佳的麵包布丁和馬馬虎虎的火燒香蕉冰淇淋,這是紐奧爾良古早味,大排場的桌邊烹調,讓您享受酒光食色的歡樂時刻。 〔 panache 可以當形容詞用嗎?〕 說不定是法文形容詞 panaché ,英文人常常不重視那個小符號。
我學到另外一法文flambé verb [T]
to pour alcohol over food and set fire to it during cooking:
flambéed pancakes

adjective [after noun]
steak flambé
“a flambé moment”是否為「歡樂時刻」?
bananas Foster 不知道是否真為「火燒香蕉冰淇淋」,因為它的製法(1951)和說明,可參考http://www.answers.com/%20bananas%20Foster

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