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2005-03-12 20:06:50| 人氣412| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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歐巴桑 留言:


1694-1718: connoistre
1835-1912: connoiste的s不見了
1694-1798: 所有以動詞"connoistre"衍生出的字子字孫們都拼成了connoi... ex: connoisseur, connoissance..
1835年才由"o"變成了"i", ex: connaisseur, connaissance.




小讀者 留言:
(是耶非耶//is not but was...//也看你是在說英或道法)
A strange word, it looks about as French as you can get, but it isn't. The French for connoisseur is connaisseur.
[1998 addendum: according to a language researcher at Xerox, no less, the French word was connoisseur at the time English borrowed it: meanwhile, French pronunciation and spelling has moved on...]

“Connoisseur” should be spelled “connaisseur.”
When we borrowed this word from the French in the 18th century, it was spelled “connoisseur.” Is it our fault the French later decided to shift the spelling of many OI words to the more phonetically accurate AI? Of those Francophone purists who insist we should follow their example I say, let ’em eat bifteck.

http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/nonerrors.html -- 2005-03-11 08:43:51 --
Homepage: http://utter.chaos.org.uk/~pdh/homilies/travel/jul12fri.h
HC 留言:

謝謝你們啦,增加點眼力(connaisseur (se)或connoisseur 的日文為n. - 鑑定家, 鑑識家, 目利き【めきき】)
請問:I say, let ’em eat bifteck.什麼玩藝?
And while Idei struggled to tame the rivalries among Sony's various units, there's no question about who calls the shots at Matsushita.【 call the shots 〔話〕 牛耳る, 采配を振る.】

小讀者 留言:



ex:manger son bifteck
小讀者 留言:
謝謝歐巴桑。小讀者學會一招好用的法文,很多地方可派上用場 哈哈哈

不過很驚訝發現Steak slab和fillet的切法不同。(A steak is a large slab of meat, usually beef, but also possibly fish such as salmon. Steak slab is cut perpendicular to the muscle fibres, in contrary to fillet, which is cut parallel to muscle fibres.)。

因為它是逆(垂直肉之紋路)切的,這使我想起(go against the grain)。近月前,我請教rl之一本有名的小說之英文書名。當時是看到松岡先生的介紹,查法日文並向rl請教:

1962 桃源社・1984 光風社・2002 河出文庫
Jotis Karl Huysmans : A Rebours 1884
澁澤龍彦 訳

RL回覆 HC: À Rebours 作者: rl 2005-02-20 06:17:22
「留言所示作者有誤拼之處,正確應為Joris Karl, Huysmans。rebours, e有蹩扭、倔強、相反等意思。
à rebours為常用詞組,指反向、倒過來、違反常理等意思 。它作為書名(或作品名)À Rebours,
我想可以譯作:「格格不入」。 」
Joris-Karl Huysmans (February 5, 1848 - May 12, 1907) was a French novelist.

He was born in Paris. Huysmans(于斯曼)started his literary career as a Naturalist writer with texts such as Marthe, Histoire d'une fille (1876). His novel À rebours (Against the Grain 逆反1884) broke from Naturalism and became the ultimate example of "decadent" literature【因此,有人說,這本該是O. Wilde(1854–1900.)的聖經】. À rebours gained further notoriety as an exhibit during the trials of Oscar Wilde in 1895, during which the prosecutor referred to the novel as a "sodomitical" book. In 1891, the publication of La-Bas (Down There那兒) attracted considerable attention for its depiction of Satanism in late 1880s France. His later works En Route (1895 起程) and La Cathédrale (1898 大教堂) are influenced by Catholicism. Huysmans was also known for his art criticism: L'Art moderne (1883) and Certains (1889). He was a founding member of the Académie Goncourt.

There are several books with the title Against the Grain:
• Against the Grain, English title of A Rebours, a Symbolist novel by Joris-Karl Huysmans
• Against the Grain: Mad Artist Wallace Wood, edited by Bhob Stewart
• Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food, by Marc Lappe
• Against the Grain: The New Criterion on Art and Intellect at the End of the Twentieth Century, edited by Hilton Kramer
• Against the Grain: Southern Radicals and Prophets, 1929-1959, by Anthony P. Dunbar
• Against the Grain: Agri-Environmental Reform in the United States and the European Union, by Clive Potter
• Against the Grain: Parody, Satire, and Intertextuality in Russian Literature, edited by Janet G. Tucker
• Against the Grain: New Anthology of Contemporary Austrian Prose, edited by Adolf Opel
• Against the Grain: An Autobiography, by Boris Yeltsin
the grain (PATTERN) noun [S]
the natural patterns of lines in the surface of wood, cloth, etc:
to cut something along/against the grain

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
go against the grain
If something goes against the grain, you would not usually do it because it would be unusual or morally wrong:
These days it goes against the grain to show respect for authority
【rebours 1. (à rebrousse-poil) caresser un chien à ~ to stroke a dog the wrong way; compter à ~ to count backwards 2. MIL compte à ~ countdown 3. FIG comprendre à ~ to get the wrong end of the stick; prendre qn à ~ to rub sb up the wrong way; faire qc à ~ to do sth the wrong way round

さかしま 0 【逆しま】

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