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*網路資料res.yp.edu.sh.cn/Resource/ CZ/CZSX/SXBL/SXJGS4/0008_MATH0009.htm):「柏特蘭•羅素(Bertrand Russell 1872-1970)是英國著名數理邏輯家,也是本世紀的一個重要哲學家。他從23歲起,開始寫作,不斷工作75年,共寫出一百多本書和成千篇短文。孔子說“仁者壽”,他可以說是本世紀的一個仁者,熱愛人類,為世紀和平的工作而孜孜不息的努力。他在1950年獲得諾貝爾文學獎。

……諾伯特•維納( Nobert Wiener 1894—1964,他是“控制論”(Cybernetics Theory)的開山祖師。)在晚年寫的自傳《昔日神童》(Ex Prodigy)說羅素的個人特點很突出,除了說他像個瘋子以外,再也無法描繪他了。他一直是個傑出的、有貴族氣派的瘋子。羅素本人的說話總是妙趣橫生,維納認為他確實從這位大師那裏得到許多深摯的教益。


羅素也不介意出版商不印刷他的小說,他將他的第一部小說:《X小姐的科西嘉歷險記》(The Corsican Adventures of Miss X)【HC:這本書名可能有誤】以無名方式在《圍棋》(Go)雜誌上發表,並懸賞25英鎊給任何能猜出這作者的讀者,結果沒有人會猜到這是羅素寫的。

1953年他出版了短篇小說集《郊區的撒旦》(Satan in the Suburbs)【"The title story was in part suggested to me by a stranger whom I met in Mortlake and who, when he saw me, crossed the road and made the sign of the Cross as he went." Bertrand Russell in his Autobiography. 】,他宣佈:“我生命中的前80年獻身於哲學,我預計在未來的80年再獻身於小說。”第二年又出他的小說選集:《有名人物的夢魘》(Nightmares of Eminent Persons)【HC:查Google 學者等近30頁,找不到任何資料,不過日文有詳細著作年表,至逝世約1504項作品... http://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/russell/R1WK7P10.HTM

【Nightmares of Eminent Persons And Other Stories By Bertrand Russell; illustrated by Charles W. Stewart December 2000; Reprint of the 1954 edition Spokesman】。
【"This was intended to illustrate the secret fears which beset the Great while they sleep.""The writing of these stories was a great release of my hitherto unexpressed feelings and of thoughts which could not be stated without mention of fears that had no rational basis... In this way it was possible to warn of dangers which might or might not occur in the near future."】……
在羅素的“自傳”(The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell)裏他解釋為什麼他會對人類的前途的問題關心。


……當我年輕的時候,很多事情是停留在臆測的階段,但是現在已經變成了精確而科學化的東西,對於這一點我很高興我有一點的貢獻,因此使我覺得我的哲學工作是值得做的,雖然沒有找到作為宗教信仰基礎的東西,但也並非全無所獲。” 」
http://res.yp.edu.sh.cn/Resource/CZ/CZSX/SXBL/SXJGS4/0008_MATH0009.htm 值得參考的行述
The time has come to sum up our discussion. Politics is concerned with herds rather than with individuals, and the passions which are important in politics are, therefore, those in which the various members of a given herd can feel alike. The broad instinctive mechanism upon which political edifices have to be built is one of cooperation within the herd and hostility towards other herds. The co-operation within the herd is never perfect. There are members who do not conform, who are, in the etymological sense, «egregious», that is to say, outside the flock. These members are those who have fallen below, or risen above, the ordinary level. They are: idiots, criminals, prophets, and discoverers. A wise herd will learn to tolerate the eccentricity of those who rise above the average, and to treat with a minimum of ferocity those who fall below it.

【 egregious
adjective FORMAL DISAPPROVING often of mistakes, extremely and noticeably bad: 1. 異乎尋常的,荒謬絕倫的 2. 【古】 特殊的,顯著的

It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.】
“The scope for related party transactions is vast in China,” says Jamie Allen, secretary-general of the Asian Corporate Governance Association. “Minority investors can’t tell if their interests are being harmed.” The lack of board independence, a problem even in Hong Kong, is egregious on the mainland: “The Communist Party controls senior appointments. There is clearly a political element to how these companies are run.”( ‘Fools rush in’ (From The Economist print edition Dec 8th 2004): China Aviation Oil’s huge losses in oil futures are a reminder of the risks of investing in Chinese companies)

HC:羅素自己對於諾貝爾文學獎之所以自認為其得獎作品為《婚姻與道德》(Marriage and Morals London: Allen and Unwin, 1929),這回憶和判斷可疑(他的這一聯想相當弔詭:主要是根據諾貝爾獎讚詞(In 1950, Russell was made Nobel Laureate in Literature "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought".—因為當年《婚姻與道德》的出版讓他丟掉美國教席,該書也成為禁書。)

他的許多哲學和思想之作品,都相當有內容,行文風格又容易讀,更不用說暢銷書『西方哲學史』(A History of Western Philosophy London: George Allen & Unwin, 1946)啦……),因為「諾貝爾文學獎」的頒獎政策是「藝術」,有其特別的考量,待研究。

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