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小注 Nonsense and Cockney rhyming slang

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小注 "poppycock, piffle, balderdash" and Cockney rhyming slang

hc致rl(作者:hc 時間:2004-11-04 20:39:21)
標題:"poppycock, piffle, balderdash"

請教最後三字【這是著名小說家G. Green的授權傳記作者出版其真實(好色-妓女數十位)傳記—在美國受好評;不過Green英國後人頗不以為然,而作者駁斥他們……】:
Mr. Sherry, an Englishman who is a literature professor at Trinity University in San Antonio, dismissed the British reviews as "poppycock, piffle, balderdash."

"poppycock, piffle, balderdash."意思都是nonsense:【口】 廢話,空話,胡說八道;無聊話,廢話 2. 【事】 胡說!廢話!;胡說【英‧方】 廢話,蠢話
poppy 1. 【植物】 【植】 罌粟 /2. 【物】 罌粟汁(藥用),(尤指)鴉片 /3. 【物】 深橘紅色 。【1921年新字Poppy Day(Remembrance Day)為紀念第一次世界大戰陣亡人士,戴人造花Flanders poppy】它的slang用法表示「(給)現金、錢」。
Poppycock比較複製得多。它原市19世紀(19c)美國slang【美‧俚】,表示bombast,20c回傳英國,它源荷蘭話pappekak(soft 糞也….)
piffle (nonsense;19c ) piffling表示瑣碎/不重要
BALDERDASH 原是16c 混濁之飲料,後來表示 senseless talk or wrighting 或nonsense
1 回覆: poppycock, piffle, balderdash
作者: rl 2004-11-05 07:44:46

cockney :1. 【人】 倫敦佬 ( Bow bells ) ( 尤指住在倫敦東區的人 ) /2. 倫敦英語[口音];倫敦東區口音
Cockney rhyming slang noun [U]
slang which is used instead of a word or phrase and which rhymes with it:
In Cockney rhyming slang, 'apples and pears' means 'stairs'.
The Thompson work for Boots invoked that heritage, Ms. King said, with a campaign "based on cockney rhyming slang, like 'Look your Mae West' for 'Look your best.' " S.S.& K. is determining the creative approach it will take, she added, with consumer research now under way.

"Women are increasingly looking at beauty and health care shopping as a time to explore, experiment, touch, almost play," Mr. Stern said, summarizing a finding of the agency's research. "At the heart of what Boots is doing with the 'implant' strategy is to bring the environment built over 150 years to the buying experience." His reference was to the Boots heritage in Britain.

台長: hc
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