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識字:精益lean、攔路虎highwayman, tender,appreciation, CRAZE

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識字:精益(lean?)、攔路虎(highwayman), tender,appreciation, CRAZE、風聲鶴唳等

(相似詞:不斷改進 /相反詞 得過且過、粗製濫造、因陋就簡 )


解釋: 漲、漫出。為溢之本字。清˙王筠˙說文釋例˙卷四˙形聲之美:益從水, 而溢又加水,然水祇可在皿中,而益之意,即兼有氾溢之意。呂氏春秋˙慎大覽 .察今:澭水暴益,荊人弗知。





我翻譯Lean Thinking為「精實革命」;大陸晚幾月出版,取名「精益生產」。

「精益生產(Lean Production,簡稱LP)是美國麻省理工學院數位國際汽車計畫組織(IMVP)的專家對日本“豐田JIT(Just In Time)生產方式”的讚譽之稱,精,即少而精,不投入多餘的生產要素,只是在適當的時間生產必要數量的市場急需產品(或下道工序急需的產品);益,即所有經營活動都要有益有效,具有經濟性。精益生產是當前工業界最佳的一種生產組織體系和方式。
1. 【人】 (常指古代騎馬出沒於大路上的)攔路強盜
The Highwaymen: Warriors of the Information Superhighway (Harvest Book) Ken Auletta (著)この著者のその他の作品: Ken Auletta (著). ...
參考討論過的stand and deliver
"We think the time has come for the stockholders of PeopleSoft to decide the outcome," Oracle Chairman Jeff Henley said during a Monday conference call with analysts.
Oracle said it plans to ask Vice Chancellor Leo Strine of the Delaware Chancery Court to take appropriate action if a majority of PeopleSoft's shares are tendered and PeopleSoft doesn't remove its poison-pill defense.
Judge Strine asked Oracle to give a "best and final" offer, prompting the new bid, Oracle Chief Financial Officer Harry You said during an appearance at a Morgan Stanley conference Monday morning.
---tender (OFFER) noun [C]
1 a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price:
The council has invited tenders for the building contract.
2 SPECIALIZED a written offer to buy or sell shares in a company
tender verb
1 [I] If you tender for a job, you make a formal offer to do it for a stated price:
Five companies have tendered for the hospital contract.

2 [I] SPECIALIZED If you tender for something such as shares, you make a formal offer to buy them for a stated price.

3 [T] FORMAL to give or offer something:
Please tender the exact fare.
The health minister has tendered her resignation (= has offered to leave her job).

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
4. 提供,提出,提交 《例句》 tender sb a reception 為某人開歡迎會 /tender one's services 提供服務/tender one's thanks [apologies] 致謝[歉]. // 5. 許可,賜與,給予(接見等)/ / 6. 【律】 償還
appreciation noun [U]
when you recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described:
《例句》Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life.
The crowd cheered in appreciation.
Children rarely show any appreciation of/for what their parents do for them.
These flowers are a token of my appreciation of/for all your help.
3. 【事】 看出真正價值,正確認識;高度評價,讚賞性的評論;鑑賞力;(美學價值的)鑑賞[玩味,理解]
《例句》 appreciation of music 音樂鑑賞 /write an appreciation of 寫一篇有關…的(讚賞性)評論.
1. 【事】 感謝[承認,讚賞]的表示 /2. 【事】 (價格的)上漲,(數量的)增加
One of the things that makes Yo-Yo Ma so special is his appreciation for the recording process.(馬友友出類拔萃的原因之一就是他很懂音樂錄製過程的學問。)──音樂產品製作人史帝芬艾普司汀指出,華裔大提琴家馬友友樂意探究新錄音科技的各種可能性,以致他的音樂意圖能透過新科技淋漓呈現。 【2004/11/01 聯合報 時人牙慧 馮克芸/輯譯】
craze noun [C usually singular] 瘋狂、(一時的)狂熱,熱衷、風靡一時(之物)、
an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time:
《例句》Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.
The craze for health foods has become big business.

'Neutron Craze'
An ensemble performs the musical number "Neutron Craze" during the world premiere of Louis Slotin Sonata, at the Circle X Theatre in Los Angeles.

杜松子酒,氈酒,金酒,琴酒(用杜松子蒸餾而成);(加有調味品的)荷蘭杜松子酒 (泛指)烈性酒,蒸餾酒 金羅美 起重裝置,(尤指)三腳起重機;軋棉機,軋花機;軋棉廠
英格蘭 公元1751年

ロサンゼルス 31日 ロイター] 10月29日―31日の全米興行収入は、「The Grudge」(邦題 THE JUON/呪怨)が2240万ドルで2週連続首位をキープした。 ...(教育部國語辭典 查詢「呪」的結果如下:找不到符合的詞彙!)

grudge noun [C]
a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, which often lasts for a long time:

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