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2003-10-22 00:30:09


愛,很簡單 主唱:陶吉吉+mei ling 忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你有一種感覺 忽然間發現自己 已深深愛上你 也真的很簡單 愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法決擇 喔~ 沒有後悔 為愛日夜去跟隨 那個瘋狂的人...

2003-10-22 00:27:05


今日在家查字典和寫日記。突然間想去游水。去幫o靚妹補習既時候都覺得有點涼,但就是想去,因為今日不去, 不知何時再有機會再去了。於是回家吃了些東西, 便收拾要use的東西, 就出門了。去到泳池, 比我想像中更少人, ...

2003-10-22 00:26:17


昨日是星期一, 但只有我不用上學, 其他人都要忙。晚上我要幫學生補習。好趁中間有時間, 我又不安份的去了逛街。(我之前有工作的, 我查了字典,還在坐巴士時讀reading, 還有準備補習呢!)除了看衣服之外, 還在宜家逛了一...

2003-10-22 00:25:27


平常沒太多時間處理這日記,那好乘我放假,跟你們聊聊我的生活。 一想就是剛過去的星期天。那天我約了愛倫去看電影。往小巴站之前,我先到百佳去買點零食和飲料,so far,都很正常。但是當我買過東西...

2003-10-13 17:36:57


伍曉彤已經遭遣返, 因為佢媽媽返左深圳, 可以番去一陣, 佢走之前o個晚半夜五點起身喊到好嘈, 好耐, 我聽到, 不過我已支力到唔想理佢, 只想佢收聲。佢一d都唔naughty, 可能我地小朋友既時間都係咁, 甚至更不可理喻。佢...

2003-10-13 17:35:51

手指痛+手”鞋sharp sharp”的理由

每星期日下午, 我都要上編織班。才上了三課, BB襪下堂便收針。礙於小女子手部協調有困難, “手查”針本身已經係個挑戰。記得上過第一課後, 我便有放棄既念頭,因為我老師好”煩”, 講得又快, 做錯佢又會話你唔聽佢講...

2003-10-13 17:35:00


肥胖的理由 自升大學之後, 都沒有再瘦下來。因為平日實在太多野做, 一睇reading就非坐定定不可, 加上唔食左野先又唔夠精神做野。放假又中意玩, 一玩又會食野, 因為食野就係最實在既花錢方式, 唔會好似買左野咁空虛。...

2003-09-23 19:45:24

It's not my day

Things didn't go smoothly today. I had an injection of 肝炎. It's the last does. My friend told me that she felt very painful having that injection yesterday. Luckily, I don't. I just felt little ...

2003-09-13 12:10:40


Last night, I was just too sleepy. After picking almost 100 white hairs of my brother, I fell asleep right away. Not long after waking up this morning, I felt extremely bored. I then thought of wh...

2003-09-13 11:49:17


I got only 2 sessions of marketing. I should have left sch earlier. However, there is no one available to look after the society's counter of my friend, thus I sat there for hours as a helper and so I...

2003-09-10 23:35:13

The busiest day of a week

It's Wednesday, I have classes through out the day, from 11:40 to 6:00. I had Putonghua. It's not as easy as I thought. The pinying and so do not make sense to me at this moment, but I hope to be more...

2003-09-09 22:53:17

9/9 Happy Birthday to a typhoon

Today I had only marketing class. There were classmates from different countries, like Germany, Japan and Mainland China. There are some students returning from other countries. But the class is a bit...

2003-09-09 22:40:32

1st day of yr 2

I am now in the campus of my sch. It's the first day of my yr 2's life. Have you heard of a saying "A gd beginninging is half a succeed"? I do hope I can be successful, thus I try to think positively ...

2003-09-06 22:53:57


沒有什麼特別, 一起身做過一陣無聊野, 就繼續溫英文, 之後就出去又上英文堂, 一樣係咁開心, 因為又學多左野喇. 聽日已經係暑假既最後一日, 今日要睇埋本小說先. 再煲雜誌.

2003-09-05 23:54:27

Happy birthday to my dearest FATHER

今日係我爸爸既生日, 所以今日整天都是family day. 唔係太早起身, 因為昨晚太夜訓. 今日都好累. 無咩好做, 彤彤午睡時個個都想訓, 我就訓o係度睇雜誌, 到彤彤醒, 又到佢爺爺訓, 阿哥就叫埋我去新都買蛋糕, 順便行落去...

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