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2003-09-10 23:35:13| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The busiest day of a week

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It's Wednesday, I have classes through out the day, from 11:40 to 6:00. I had Putonghua. It's not as easy as I thought. The pinying and so do not make sense to me at this moment, but I hope to be more familiarized with them at least week by week.

After it, I had an English class after half-an-hour lunch( a piece of bread, poor me). The professor for this class is the head of the English Department. She is elegant. I like looking at her. After all, her accent is what I used to hear as it's like one of my teachers in secondary sch.

Before leaving sch, I had a geography lesson. It's taught by the same lecturer on Monday. It's nice to see him as he smiles so often during the class.

I am satisfied to play with my niece after a tiring day outside.

台長: 伍主播
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