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2010-12-20 15:29:05| 人氣1,768| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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每年在這個時候,總會發 mail 向親朋好友們預祝聖誕節及新年快樂,今年發現我的狐狸巢穴站台,也有不少網友可以跟我分享,在此除了預祝各位網友聖誕節及新年快樂外, 也希望在明年一年裡,大家都會過得幸福健康。



I have found that Fake Fox has become more popular

recently. There are more friends who have shared my

articles and pictures with me, and even have had some

feedback.  It is surprising and exciting, I hope it is a

good start.


Years come and go, it’s the holiday season again.  I love

Christmas, I greet to my friends every year just before



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear friends

and wish everyone in the coming year is filled with

happiness and health.



台長: fake fox


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