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2006-02-16 22:35:37| 人氣104| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

* 讀松岡第千百八夜【1108】想「波茨坦會議之群英」

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2006/2/15夜,松岡第千百八夜【2006年2月14日】之書(Seigow’s Book):

Daniel Yergin & Josefh Stanislaw : 『市場対国家』上・下(The Commanding Heights*)山岡洋一 訳 ,日本経済新聞社,1998


我去Amazon 讀一頁,就被它描寫的「波茨坦會議之群英」之軼事所吸引。
就去讀McCullough, David Born名著『杜魯門』(Truman ,1992)(台北:麥田,1995 )的相關章節,真是精彩。【當然Truman 向 Stalin 以 casual方式隱設「原子彈」成功,是否可翻譯成「漫不經心」,有待商搉…….】
會議其中,英國首相易人,不過新首相Clement Attlee 之前就參加;第二輪會議,邱吉爾還借男僕給Attlee……此等作風很有趣、意味。
今晚再讀 Roy Jenkins 所寫的『Churchill 傳』相關部分,自然有其英國內政視野,不過遠遠不像 『Truman傳』相關處精彩。

我15年前訪問過波茨坦會議處,不過當時無知—所以Herbert Simon 說公共圖書館的資料都遠多於你親自去旅行之所得—然而,這是互益之事。



The Commanding Heights : The Battle for the World Economy
by Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw "THE FINAL MEETING of the Allied leaders took place in July 1945, in what had once been a palace of the kaiser in the Berlin..."

【While Japan was seen for many years as an economic success story as late as the early 1990s, the authors argue that its ongoing recession since then resulted from its governments refusal to stop subsidies to many of its industries and companies (this issue is ongoing). 日本の経済社会のコマンディング・ハイツを主に通産省と大蔵省が握ったのだ。それでどうなったかといえば、価格決定、輸入割当て、市場シェアの配分、免許、品質基準、業界団体の結成、学閥との連携、行政指導といったことのすべてが、ほぼ通産省の管轄になった。】
McCullough, David Born『杜魯門』(Truman ,1992)台北:麥田,1995
During World War II, Potsdam was severely damaged, and in 1945 it was the scene of the Potsdam Conference.

• Sanssouci Palace, former palace of the Prussian royal and German imperial families
• New Garden with two smaller palaces, one of them Cecilienhof, where the Potsdam Conference was held

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