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Delacroix 波旁宮之圖書館作品簡說

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圖為 Eugene Delacroix / library palais bourbon

Delacroix 波旁宮之圖書館作品簡說

許久以前,看過DELACROIX,(Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène 1798 - 1863)的專門作品詳說,現在只能稍微帶`有緣的朋友想像、神游。網路上有些分立的彩畫圖室。

Delacroix 裝飾了波旁宮(現為國會辦公室)之圖書館是一組文明系統之表現。圖書館的南北向的兩半圓頂(各為十一乘八米,分別以「Attila 和他的部隊毀滅義大利和藝,」代表的野蠻,「Orpheus 教化希臘人」代表文明:這種有力的對比方式,William Norman Bryson* 指可參考 R. Barthes 之作品 S/Z 之兩處)及其間小諸圓頂,分為用:科學、哲學、立法、神學和詩歌等寓言的主題。


---(英) 諾曼•布列遜(William Norman Bryson)著 『傳統與慾望從大衛到德拉克羅瓦』, 浙江攝影出版社,2003,頁231-78

(Delacroix decorated the walls of the library of the Palais Bourbon: two great semidomes eleven metres by eight situated on either side of the room. Delacroix decided to decorate them with allegorical subjects, one representing barbarity, Attila and His Hordes Overrun Italy and the Arts, and the other civilisation: Orpheus Civilizes the Greeks. There were in addition five little domes or bays, which would present the divisions adopted in all libraries, while not following the classification too exactly: Sciences, Philosophy, Legislation, Theology and Poetry.
By making such a striking contrast between his two allegorical subjects, Delacroix contrived to symbolise War and Peace, the two poles of human conduct. )

他的壁畫和架上畫是互為演化的。我們可以用上述的「Ovid 在野蠻人之間(接受食物)」與現存英國國家畫廊(NG6262. Bought, 1956. )的同名之畫(Ovid among the Scythians / 1859 / Oil on canvas 87.6 x 130.2 cm. )比較一番。

英國國家畫廊之簡單說明。讀者可「細覽」(click and draw)其畫作。

The poet Ovid is shown in exile after being banished from Rome by the Emperor Augustus in AD 8 to the Black Sea port of Tomis in Northern Turkey, where he probably died ten years later. According to classical writers, the native Scythians fed on the milk of mares, and in the right foreground of this painting Delacroix has depicted a mare being milked.

Delacroix had first painted this subject in 1844 as part of the decorations for the ceiling of the Library of the Palais Bourbon in Paris. Many of the figures designed for that site reappear in this later canvas.

台長: hc
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