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譯人故事*(二十三):葉利尼克譯 Pynchon的《重力之虹》

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譯人故事(二十三):葉利尼克譯Thomas Pynchon的《重力之虹》

這則譯人故事完全是『第三手』資料。譯人固然是本年度的諾貝爾獎得主葉利尼克,不過真正故事是她翻譯Gravity's Rainbow這本小說。


周四讀<自由時報>「艾芙烈.葉利尼克出版書目(翻譯整理◎陳思宏)」其中介紹其翻譯作品為:湯瑪斯‧品瓊(Thomas Pynchon)的《引力之虹》(Gravity's Rainbow)。

( Jelinek has translated others’ works (Thomas Pynchon, Georges Feydeau, Eugène Labiche, Christopher Marlowe) and has also written film scripts and an opera libretto. Alongside her literary writing she has made a reputation as a dauntless polemicist with a website always poised to comment on burning issues.)

找到Thomas Pynchon的一些資料:1937生, 現代最大的主題為「問題」之作家
Gravity's Rainbow 這本書為1974 National Book Award. 業已成為現代之經典((Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics))。

Gravity's Rainbow粉絲百科指引網頁,包括伴讀指引;畫展(2004每頁);關鍵字”love”…… Read Professor Irwin Corey 代領獎之說法( acceptance speech)
Gravity's Rainbow, 1974

『重力の虹』可以說是「終之寓言」((Die Enden der Parabel))、談『支配』の構造;後設小說的文類代表。

Thomas Pynchon 作品日譯資料:
・V., 1963
・The Crying of Lot 49, 1966
・Gravity's Rainbow, 1974
・Slow learner, 1984
・Vineland, 1990
・Mason&Dixon, 1997


・"Journey Into the Mind of Watts." New York Times Magazine, June 12, 1966.
・"Is It O.K. To Be a Luddite?" New York Times Book Review, October 28, 1984.
・Introduction, in Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me, by Richard Farina. N. Y.: Penguin, 1983.
・"The Heart's Eternal Vow." New York Times. April 10, 1988.
・"Nearer, My Couch, to Thee." New York Times, June 6, 1993.
・Introduction, in The Teaching of Don B., by Donald Barthelme. 1992.

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