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2005-09-05 08:01:57| 人氣345| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Everytime I Die (1)

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Dear ___ :

It’s been a while since we depart from each other
A while that’s long enough to forget what we used to have shared

Even though we might never talk to each other again
Even though you might still hate me

If there is any feeling of me that I wish you to know
That would be nothing but only my appreciation to you

You taught me a life lesson I could never forget
And it becomes a form of awareness in me

You were never afraid to give yourself to me
An selfless degree of openess
Body, mind and heart

In your eyes I saw the great passion
That grew in you, burnt in you and motivated you
Something that I lacked and should feel ashamed of

The tears you shed for me
The first time I saw that from a woman
It was the most beautiful thing I saw
A gift that I never deserved to receive

Those were the dimonds of heart
Treasure of memory

You were a god-sent
You looked after me and loved me

Even though I always prouded myself of having a complex mind
Mine was never a strong one compared to only the purity of you

I am happy of you making that effort to give
also proud that you could make your mind at last

I hope you are doing well
In everything you do

I hope your would finally find solace in someone’s arms
Your purity would remain for the one that deserves to own

You would make your way to true bliss

Good bye, with my sincere blessings.

台長: 黑翼
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