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How To Make Wood Pellets ?

Wood pellets burn far more cleaner than logs and the fire is smoke-free. Because of the energy crisis of the year 2022, many people want to start pellet making business but don’t know how to start, here we are going to walk through the process of how are wood pellets made. You will get everything you need to start making wood pellets.

How Are Wood Pellets Made?

Wood pellets are made from wood fiber. The wood fiber compressed by wood pellet machine roller, the compression generates heats which will soften lignin inside the fiber as a natural glue to shape the pellets. Then wood pellets extruded outward through ring die holes and cut into uniform length 10-20mm by rotating knife outside.

Step 1 :Prepare the Raw Material For Making Wood Pellets

various materials for making pellets

Wood pellets are made from a variety of raw materials, sawdust、wood chips ,wood shavings, small logs, even scraps of wood leftover from furniture and other manufacturing.

Source all the wood materials from recycled wood streams, utilizing the waste generated from timber production and wood product manufacturing.

To help reduce the manufacturing cost, better to source the dried wood.

Step 2 :Hammer Mill Section

The raw material will be go through the hammer mill machine, to create wood fiber for the pellets.

A magnet picks out any metal that got mixed into the wood.

Step 3 :Pellet Making Section

The sawdust will be processed by a wood pellet plant

Step 4 :Cooling Section

The pellets however are still quite warm and sticky so they clump together. The solution about 15 minutes in a cooler. As the room temperature air blows through the pellets cooling and drying the tacky lignin, the pellets separate from each other. As the pellets exit the cooler, a vibrating screen filters sawdust-like material which incidentally doesn’t go to waste. The factory uses it to fuel the dryer.

Step 5 :Packing Section

The wood pellets travel up another conveyor belt, and into two large storage bins. Pellets can then be loaded into a truck and delivered in bulk, or packaged into 40pound bags and totes.

The pellets that are packaged in 40pound bags or tote bags are thoroughly screened to remove the fines and dust. This results in a very clean product for handling.

The bags of pellets are stored in the on-site facility in large inventory quantities to ensure there is always inventory available for customers. Pellets are then delivered straight to customer home using tailgate, or pneumatic delivery trucks.

Hope our post can help you explain how are wood pellets made. It’s not difficult to understand the whole process. 

台長: Feed Pellet Machine Supplier
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