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How to get started in the fishing industry ?

Each step in the seafood production chain has its own importance, but they work together to create the best quality products for consumers. In the campaign throughout 2022, we will be highlighting each stop along the production chain to pull back the curtain and explain what happens there.

Are you someone who loves being on the water, but don’t know if the fishing industry is the right fit for your career?

Why should I join the fishing industry?

Supporting responsibly produced seafood is the future. With a growing population of people in need of healthy protein to eat, and with the median age of people in the fishing industry increasing around the world, now is the time for new people to get involved with fisheries.

For inspiration, learn about the career pathway stories of seafood industry titans from their humble beginnings of starting out in the industry to where they are today from all areas of seafood,like fish feed production line ,fish farming etc:

Capt. Jack Molan: Have you ever thought about what it would be like to work out at sea? Captain Jack Molan joined Aquademia to tell the story of his career as a fishing vessel captain on the Bering Sea. He shares some amazing stories, insightful advice, and is living proof that you don’t need to be born into fishing to be a successful fisherman.

Jerry Fraser: If you could join your past work experiences with your passion, what would your career be? Join us as we sit down with fisherman turned journalist Jerry Frasier as he walks us through his career pathway and shares some amazing stories along the way!

Kyle Lee: A life in seafood was unexpected for Kyle Lee, until he spent a week on a fishing boat with his friends from college one summer. As things fell into place, a prosperous career in Alaska began to come to fruition for Kyle, leading him to founding Alaskan Salmon Company, where he is now CEO. Although he isn’t even 30 years old yet, he has great stories to share from his time in the seafood industry.

Jose Thomas: Entrepreneur Jose Thomas of Choice Canning Co. joined the Aquademia crew to share the story of his career, from sleeping on the floor in his Queens, NY apartment to running multiple successful food processing facilities. His story is insightful and inspiring, and this episode is definitely one you won’t want to miss!

Ken Corpron: If you want to build bridges for a living, you have to go where the rivers are. Nobody relates to that sentiment more than Ken Corpron. Ken joined the Aquademia team and shared the story of his diverse career in seafood, working in different facets of the industry all around the world. Listen to Ken’s story and be ready to take notes, because he drops some serious knowledge in this Career Pathways episode.

What sort of jobs are available in fisheries?

how to get started in fisheriesJobs in the fishing industry include positions that involve the actual fishing (commercial and artisanal), the production of fish feed pellet machine,fishing equipment and products, fishing gear sales, and recreational fishing services. Commercial fishing professionals work as part of a crew on a fishing boat. Fishing equipment producers design, test, and manufacture nets, traps, polls, and artificial bait. Salespeople market these products to fishing professionals or members of the public in a retail setting. Guides and outfitters organize outings for recreational fisherman. As a natural resources officer, you ensure that fishing-industry professionals abide by regulations.

台長: Feed Pellet Machine Supplier
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