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2008-04-19 21:25:50| 人氣208| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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last week...
i were very happy cos i hv go to see <>
that my first time to go to see live show....
also that is the first time see live show with camp’
this girl is design by joey.....is it lovely???!
this is first dress of joey live show
this is so cool...cos joey hv put a big cd on her hair...HAHA’

wow.....i love this clothes
this is so......sexy & hot & specifically!!!!

this is so funny.....she hv singing in the house
and her dress is very classic....^^~

this clothes is very cool.....
inside is bra only....@@”

then hv 3 dress also but my camrea hvn’t more power already..
cos i forget to ’叉電’before that day...
...at last i hv a handshake with joey....

This week i hv go to see <> with avis 15 and 靚靚...
When we just arrived HK.....

<>is so wonderful.....i love it

but i love the man of <> more that <>
<> hv his dance also...
but there are few min only.....>3<’’’’
HE IS SO HANDSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA...I hv be crazy already’’

台長: [...Yanki’
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First time go for concert,
already set at the front row!!
Shake hand with JOEY...
If I tell my friend I think he will be jealous^^

I did watch STEPUP2 but I dont really enjoy it,
coz there were too much talking than dancing..
2008-04-19 23:36:47
2008-04-20 01:48:05
joey is the best
2008-04-21 20:58:50
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