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2009-11-08 02:47:44| 人氣546| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

"Perfect Place"修行的完美境界

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以下擷取Kryon Book III一書中的一段我很有感觸的文章





"You are indeed in the perfect place!Feel the potential for human fear and transcend it completely. Know that you are safe, and feel the responsibility for being where you are. Look around you and see how you can instantly affect the others who are paralyzed with the phantom around them. You know better, and may walk into the middle of the fear of uncertainty and Earth change. Share your peace and let them see your light shine during the blackest moments! Encompass them with the love of Spirit and watch them settle into the arms of the higher God in themselves. It is at a time like this that your work for the planet is the greatest. How can you doubt that you are in a perfect place when this happens? Do you think that your 'perfect place'contains no lessons or offers no opportunities to show you who you are? If that is the case, then you haven't truly understood the message of the new age."

和所有的Light workers分享,也送給我的同修好友Ciela,

Pure guidance is within you....


台長: 珏吟
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