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2009-10-11 01:26:51| 人氣539| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Timely Message from Archangel Michael

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October 2009 

A Timely Message from Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael has been giving some profound messages during my workshops upon this tour, but the most profound is also probably the most simple. Michael has been emphasizing:
“Enjoy your life . . . no matter what . . . right now.” He says: “Don’t delay your happiness for some elusive future time when your life is problem-free. To do so is to miss out on your life. There may never come a day that is truly devoid of troubles, so enjoy this moment now.”
Michael reminds us that this moment, right now, is absolutely perfect. Take a moment please to breathe and relax into appreciation for this present moment. Enjoy and savor this moment, and then the next, and now enjoy this moment, and so forth. In this way, we live in the now . . . and we learn to enjoy our life . . . no matter what!
With love and gratitude, 

台長: 珏吟
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