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2008-06-02 00:15:43| 人氣250| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Channeling from The Master for the week of June 2nd, 2008

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Channeling from The Master
for the week of June 2nd, 2008


Channeled by Kathleen Mulligan

This week you can expect to see a rise in consciousness in which you will experience a change in the way you see things. You have been through a lot lately and it is all in preparation for the New Earth. The New Earth is an Earth which will clamor in the love and the mystery of who you are as a whole not as an individual. You are losing your identity now with who you once were and are stepping out into a new consciousness in which you will experience the love of the Ascended Beings on an all new level. This love is a love never before experienced and it is a love that will help you justify living in the Now so that all your dreams will come through. The truth is that once you recognize your true potential for living in the Now you will be able to become the Ascended Being you are without question. What was one moment ago was a moment ago. What is Now is Now. Situations are changing constantly and you are manifesting at a rapid rate in the Now. Allow the mystery to unfold and the New Earth will become such a glorious expansion of Love…………..


台長: 珏吟
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 自我照顧/生活保養 |
此分類上一篇:靈性徵狀:Beginning experiences in the Higher Realms

so great
the new moon day will coming soon
2008-06-02 18:15:30
Yap, Laura and I are going to Faith`s house and doing some spells:)
2008-06-02 23:07:09
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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