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2006-08-15 22:54:21| 人氣206| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Memorial Day

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Today is a special Memorial Day, so I hold a little party by myself to celebrate it. Why do I think August 15 special? Have something happened before? Maybe the answer is yes, maybe is not, but that is really important for me to meet a nice guy in 2004. I think I am a lucky girl, because he came at a very fortunate time, and delighted my life during those days.

Tomorrow is also a special Day, because we separated half year. It’s really not easy to become good friends after separation, I don’t know we did it or not, but now I also want to wish you having a perfect life everyday! Ha~ I do a loyal ‘angel of blessing’, don’t I?

Tomorrow I will go to Kaohsiung, and take part in an activity! Blessing me has a big harvest, thank you very much!!


台長: winnie
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