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※特別在此感謝,提供攝影照片的友人《無名》  拍照地點:台灣 我們的心就像是一座寺廟,我們不需要用各種精巧的裝飾來美化我們的心靈,我們需要的只是讓內在原有的美,無瑕地顯現出來。 ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-09-21 05:03 | 人氣:980 | 回應:24
※特別在此感謝,提供攝影照片的友人《無名》  拍照地點:台灣觀音山腳、日月潭 是因為我寂寞你才出現  還是你的存在讓我自憐 緣份走過我身邊   是命運在轉變你才出現  還是你的出......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-09-19 03:55 | 人氣:1019 | 回應:17
※以上照片截自網路  文章作者:無名 When she was going through the airport security checkpoint, she repeatedly looked back to her son, and wiped her eyes, the son who had left......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-04-03 15:00 | 人氣:1440 | 回應:26
※以上照片截自網路  文章作者:無名 The world is no longer safe for us. Most of people are aware of taking flights is an anxious, tiring ordered now. We must unlock our luggage......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-04-03 14:45 | 人氣:714 | 回應:5
※特別在此感謝,提供攝影照片的友人《雲南‧咖啡小鎮》  文章作者:無名   From 1951 to 1961, Jenny lived in a village in Taiwan, called juan cun. About forty families lived there......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-02-09 13:47 | 人氣:867 | 回應:5

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