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2003-05-14 13:29:15| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

High School Life…Done~

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Today, I finished my last final exam (Int. Busi Part II). I wrote the English Part II yesterday about marginality character in Lives of the Saints and Othello. Feminism and marginality are finished now. I finally finished my high school life. I can become a University student. That is an impossible dream if I stayed in Hong Kong. Although I am not sure that can I go into a better University, I still feel happy about it. My final exam is fine. Hopefully, I can keep my average over 80. I want to go to McMaster. Is it possible? I am lack of confidence. My long vocation starts from today. I may travel to Montreal one more time with Monica. I want to go to Thousand Islands. The feeling on a ship is great. I have not shipping for long time. However, we have to make sure our living place in Jun first. I want to start pack up my stuffs, but that seems too early. I expect we will have a happy summer living together, and I hope that will come true. I decided not to go back home because I have to protect my future. I do not want to destroy the light road in front of me. I hate darkness. I escaped from the darkness hardly, so I do not want to go back. I want to be an optimistic person forever. I want to have an unusually magnetic personality. Haha…
I am unlucky this morning. I walked for eight floors after I came back residence. The elevators were not working again. Suck… At around 1pm, I went to bank and Jackson Square with Yan. We had our lunch at Harvey. I think I ate a lot today, but it is a prize for myself because I finished my high school life. After the prize, I should go on to keep on my weights. I do not allow myself being fatter and fatter. Add oil~

台長: SillyMeow
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