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【2018熱門商品】Gesslein Sleeping Bag Bubou, Sheep – Beige 僅此一檔熱賣商品

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Gesslein Sleeping Bag Bubou, Sheep - Beige 尺寸: 50/60 · 2018

This super cosy sleeping bag accompanies your 精選優惠little one safely through the night. The adorable motif as well as subtle colours turn this sleeping bag into a comfortable companion that guarantees sweet dreams.

The temperature-balancing Gesslein sleeping bag Bubou makes your child feel cosy and safe while walking through the land of dreams. Only with healthy sleep, your child can start the new day fresh and awake.

In the first phase of sleep your little one's body temperature usually measures some points above the ideal value. During this stage micro capsules in the sleeping bag transform their physical condition into liquid,2018流行商品彌月送禮推薦 save the body temperature and generate a cooling effect. As soon as your little one's body temperature drops, the heat saved in the stage before is released and the micro capsules become solid again. This mechanism prevents heat accumulation and ensures that your child is kept warm and can enjoy his or her relaxing sleep.

The particularly light and breathable fabric as well as the pear shape of this sleeping bag supply your child with maximum sleeping comfort and more space to move freely. Furthermore, the sleeping bag is equipped with a zip which comes in super handy when you have to change your little one's nappies during the night - simply open the zip and you can start changing him or her without turning them around. A protective cover on the zip provides optimum safety without bothering your little one. The back part of the sleeping bag comes without any stitching or seam. The sleeping bag can be machine washed at 40°C in the delicate cycle.

The Gesslein sleeping bag Bubou is an all-year-round sleeping bag that is available in many great designs. Depending on the temperature, you can even detach the sleeves by using the Velcro fastener. If its particularly cold outside, the sleeping bag can be preheated on the heating - this way, cold feet belong to the past and your child feels cuddled up in his or her cosy sleeping bag at all times.

Also, the Gesslein sleeping bag Bubou Sheep in the colour beige reduces the risk of cot death and guarantees you and your baby relaxing nights and high sleeping comfort.


  • Design 206, Sheep - Beige

  • Available in different sizes

  • All-year-round sleeping bag

  • Constant temperature due to pcm-technology

  • Hyperthermia and hypothermia are avoided

  • Zip for easy nappy changing during the night

  • Protective cover on the zip for more safety

  • Detachable sleeves

  • Fabric: high-quality cotton jersey, breathable fabric, machine washable at 40°C, easy-care fabric

  • Back part without stitching and seams

  • Pear shape

  • Made in Germany




Gesslein Sleeping Bag Bubou, Sheep – Beige







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Gesslein Sleeping Bag Bubou, Sheep – Beige

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