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燒烤 雲林 飯店年菜2017訂購朋友推薦台北濱江有人吃過嗎 燒烤 雲林

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Intel Extreme Masters (IEM)台北站《英雄聯盟》總冠軍戰,台北暗殺星Taipei Assassins (TPA)掌握前期優勢之下,在第一局擊敗台灣隊伍閃電狼yoe Flash Wolves (yoeFW),第二局顯得更緊張刺激,最後仍由 TPA 取下第二勝,宣告聽牌。


比賽進入 6 分鐘,TPA 再次抓到小龍,成功取得第一波經濟優勢,比賽第八分鐘,閃電狼魔甘那沒有成功防守到位之下,讓 NL 在中路遭到 TPA 首殺,不過比賽進入 10 分鐘後,閃電狼因為魔甘那順利版回一城,讓比數回到 1:1,並成中集結中路,順利削弱 TPA 中一塔,TPA 則是應用上路前期優勢,持續損耗閃電狼上一塔,比賽 14 分鐘又利用閃電狼視野不足的前提,成功拿下第二隻小龍,雙方經濟差距來到 2 千。

第 16 分鐘時閃電狼成功在會戰突襲,掌握角色優勢,讓比數來到 3:2,而且還進一步取下中一塔,不過比賽在 20 分鐘時,TPA 掌握角色優勢,進行反打,在陸續取下上一塔、下一塔、中一塔之後中和火鍋推薦 平價,又拿下閃電狼中路內塔,逼得閃電狼,只好在 21 分鐘抓下小龍,穩住經濟劣勢,即使雙方經濟差距來到 6 千,閃電狼仍未見放棄態勢,在 21~22 分鐘時反打,不僅讓死傷比數來到 5(閃電狼):4(TPA),還成功拿下下路二塔。

25 分鐘的上路戰當中, TPA 為了打掉殘血的魔甘那,在原本具備角色優勢之下,靠著庫奇優異表現,成功拿下三殺,打了一場相當精彩的會戰,雙方比數來到 9(yoe):7(TPA),閃電狼更進一步將經濟差距拉回 3 千,塔數來到 3(yoe):5(TPA),風向似乎吹回閃電狼。

即便 TPA 在 27 分鐘故技重施偷走巴龍,閃電狼仍順利打出反打,死傷比數來到 11:8,不過 29 分鐘閃電狼仍掉了小龍,因此經濟差距拉開到 4 千。

30 分鐘的的中路會戰,閃電五股火鍋料宅配狼以 1 換 1,成功防守 TPA 的追擊,不過 33 分鐘,TPA 利用視野空缺,成功破口,連抓閃電狼內塔跟兵營,雙方經濟差距拉開到 8 千,35 分鐘 TPA 靠著路露的優異表現再次成功破中,拿下第二勝。

根據賽制規範,這次的台北站冠軍將可在 3 月 12 日前往波蘭卡托維兹與同期舉辦的中國深圳、加拿大多倫多、美國聖荷西、德國科隆等各站冠軍爭奪 IEM 2015 世界冠軍,更多相關後續,《ETtoday 東森新聞雲》將持續進行追蹤報導。

▲IEM9 台北站- yoeFW vs TPA (第二戰) (影片/東森新聞雲影音組攝)

(中央社記者黃兆平紐約3日專電)美智庫「外交政策全國委員會」結束年度亞太之行,提出4項建議,提及美中關係可能反轉,而降低兩岸關係攸關美台利益,美新政府應敦促兩岸在維持現狀下建立新「暫行架構」。 肩負兩岸二軌機制的「外交政策全國委員會」(NCAFP),由會長狄卡洛(Rosemary DiCarlo)領軍,去年12月5日到17日赴台北、上海、北京、東京,進行為期2週、4城市的年度亞太之旅。 報告建議,繼續支持台灣的民主化及增進參與國際空間,應列入美新政府政策,同時美國新政府應支持兩岸在維持現狀(status quo)下致力建立新「暫行架構」(modus vivendi),讓台灣繼續發展民主及經濟。 訪問團在台期間拜會了總統蔡英文、行政院長林全等政府首長,由於時間恰巧在美國總統當選人川普與蔡總統打破近40年美台外交慣例的通話之後,讓報告引人關注。 外交政策全國委員會總結此行並由前國務院亞太副助卿李維亞(Evans J.R. Revere)負責撰寫報告,報告今天出爐,分析包括美台及美中關係、「一中政策」、北韓及東亞等最新情勢,同時提出4項建議。 報告指出,蔡總統與川普通話已攪動美中關係,將促使北京警告美新政府兩國關係可能下降(downturn)。而這通電話勢必激怒北京,在台灣內部也引發不同反應,從一開始的興奮演變到後來的關切聲浪。 李維亞說,北京迄今相當克制,但如果美新政府上台後改變現行對台及對中政策,從中國政府高層、黨及軍方傳遞訊息顯示,中國恐在對台關係、美國進口及軍事行為等方面有所反制。他同時提及,北京對台的憤怒已損及兩岸關係,勢必嚴重衝擊兩岸過去幾年重建的正面互動關係。在東亞緊張關係日增之際,美新政府有必要提出更清楚政策,讓亞太盟友瞭解美國的支持再保證。 此外,美中新關係前景必須慎重考慮到美國盟友的關切,必須瞭解美中對抗可能引發的風險及敏感性。 而在亞太夥伴持續關切下,NCAFP報告建議,美新政府有必要致力制定更清晰政策及提出優先順序。不確定性有利維持對手之間的平?,但恐不利增進美對區域盟友領導力的信任度。 報告也建議,繼續支持台灣的民主化及增進參與國際空間,應列入美新政府政策。但如果做法不夠小心謹慎,恐導致台灣暴露在中國壓力及脅迫之下。 李維亞寫到,降低兩岸緊張關係攸關美台利益,美新政府應支持兩岸在維持現狀(status quo)下致力建立新「暫行架構」(modus vivendi),讓台灣繼續發展民主及經濟。 訪問團成員還包括前駐北京大使芮效儉(Stapleton Roy)、美退役海軍將領麥德偉(Michael.McDevitt)、NCAFP亞太安全論壇代理副主任李瀅(Juliet Lee)等。年歲已高的資深副會長、亞太安全計畫負責人札戈利亞(Donald S. Zagoria)並未隨行。他們在北京會見了國台辦主任張志軍等。1060104


CONFLICT OF INTEREST? One of the members of a committee investigating the NTU president is said to be a coauthor; another is a college dean he appointedBy Sean Lin / Staff reporterAcademics yesterday questioned the integrity of a committee tasked with investigating allegations National Taiwan University (NTU) president Yang Pan-chyr (楊泮池) was involved in cowriting forged scientific papers.Quoting NTU secretary-general Lin Ta-te (林達德), who said the five-member investigation committee includes two faculty members at the university, attorney Hsu Wen-hua (許文華) said that the two members are likely to be College of Life Sciences dean Min Ming-yuan (閔明源) and College of Medicine dean Chang Shan-chwen (張上淳).“Assuming I am right, these two men are not suited to serve on the committee,” Hsu said, citing an NTU rule governing cases involving suspected breach of academic ethics, which states the selection of investigation committee members should not constitute a conflict of interest.Chang and Yang cowrote five scientific papers between 2003 and 2006, for which Chang was either listed as the first author or corresponding author, while Yang was listed as the corresponding author on some accounts, he said.Min was appointed acting dean by Yang when NTU professor Kuo Min-liang (郭明良) — with whom Yang coauthored four problematic articles that are now being investigated by the committee — assumed the post of Kaohsiung Medical University vice president, Hsu said.Yang later chose Min over another university professor to fill the post of College of Life Sciences dean, Hsu said.Hsu also raised doubts about why Yang was able to tell the media the constitution of the committee, which included two NTU faculty members and three Academia Sinica members, saying that Yang could have rigged the appointment of committee members.NTU should have sent the papers in question to the journals that published them for verification, and at least one other established and objective third-party academic for review to ensure the investigation’s credibility, he said.Saying that Kuo retracted his paper from the Journal of Biological Chemistry last month after the academic fraud scandal erupted, NTU professor of psychology Huang Kwang-kuo (黃光國) accused Kuo of lying when he said he was innocent at a news conference on Dec. 20.Kuo filed a request to pull the paper, which was found by the journal to contain forged results shown in six duplicated images, on Dec. 7, and on Dec. 30, the journal issued a statement that it had been retracted, Huang said.Huang asked why Kuo had not repaid Yen Men-luh (嚴孟祿), a physician at National Taiwan University Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NT$6.73 million (US$208,617) Yen claimed to have lent Kuo between 2002 and 2014 to help Kuo pay a mortgage, referencing another academic scandal that broke last month, in which Kuo allegedly took the money in exchange for Yen to be listed as coauthor on 11 papers by his research team.He also called into question why Kuo had never mentioned the debt during his tenure as a then-National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology) official, even though he was required by law to declare his personal wealth.Liu Yuan-chun (劉源俊), president of the Chinese-language Science Monthly, said that the academia puts too much emphasis on the number of citations an academic receives when promoting professors, which has tempted many professors to use their connections for them to be listed as coauthors or forge research findings to boost the number of their publications.In response, the university reiterated that the committee is run in an objective manner.The two colleges have met several times to review the papers, and the investigation results are to be submitted to an evaluation committee and an ad hoc commi新店安格斯牛肉ttee for review on Friday next week, it said.The evaluation committee will be headed by NTU vice president Chang Ching-ray (張慶瑞) and will operate independently, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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