我從一兩年前Maria Joao Pires的"莫札特協奏曲事件"(這位女鋼琴家在協奏曲音樂會前,因為趕場表演、旅途勞累,所以沒有彩排。音樂會當天,樂團開始拉前奏,她才赫然發現這場音樂會的曲目和她原先準備的不一樣! 最後她僅憑著記憶就完美地彈出整首莫札特協奏曲!!)才開始認識這位女鋼琴家。出於好奇開始找她的錄音,結果深深被這位女鋼琴家充滿靈性和詩意的演奏吸引。這部影片是關於她和她在葡萄牙的音樂中心,整部影片充滿著智慧、哲理、靈感和魔力,看了之後讓人非常感動!
Most of the time,when people come here,they don’t know what they search for.They think they know.They think they want to have successful career,or they want to play more concerts,or to earn more money,or to have possibility of being known.And they are trying something that is always against themselves. Because if they try to make themselves,they are going to create such power that all all the stuffs is no necessary anymore. I think people have no idea about the power that is created by you being yourself.They have no idea that with this,they can do anything.
很多人來這裡(Maria Joao Pires的音樂中心)的時候並不知道他們要追尋的是什麼。他們以為他們知道自己要什麼-也許是想要能有成功的音樂事業、彈更多音樂會、賺更多錢、或讓自己變得更有名、有更多人認識…但為了達到這些,他們反而忘了自己內心最真實的想法。如果他們能夠試著去傾聽自己的內心、傾聽自己的音樂、單純的做自己,他們其實有能力創造出一種力量讓他們不再需要這些(名氣、錢、事業)。我覺得,人們並不知道最真實的自己有多少力量,他們不知道這樣的力量能讓他們做任何事。
I don’t believe so much in art in times of something for rich people,or for talented people,or for the big concert halls,or for the big museums. I believe in art in all day life,in every day.So that you really put it in everything you do.Doing things well with beauty.So for me it’s very natural to go on stage in the concert hall.When I play there,it’s a part of daylife. It is just come from whatever you’re doing,and play,and that’s it.You finished playing and continue doing other things.
(年輕時的Maria Joao Pires)
I had a feeling-when I was young,there was more look inside. I think today this is kind of almost lost. Especially I think the fact that the competition became something normal. This is something that completely destroy the way look inside. You don’t look at yourself, because you are looking at the others-Is he better than me? And I think this mate-I hate to say that-the new generation very far from the certain truth that can bring them to themselves. If you don’t have the possibility of knowing yourself in the true way, I don’t think you can create.
我覺得,在我還年輕的時候,人們比較會在意內心的東西,然而現在卻已經幾乎被忽略。尤其是在國際比賽變得越來越頻繁之後,幾乎完全摧毀了讓人去感受自己內心的機會。因為年輕藝術家不再在意自己心靈的力量,而是在意其他人,想著:他彈的有比我好嗎? 我覺得這種形式的競爭-我很不想這樣說-但它已經讓新一代的音樂家離真實的美感越來越遠。如果你沒有辦法了解自己的心,我不覺得你能夠創造出好的藝術。
It is a lie to make out of artists diffirent people,because artist is a person like everyone else.He became a person that has a certain language through the others. if you see me on the stage being happy- it has nothing to do with stage, it has to do with me,other people and music