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【冬季最新款】Moon Buggy Flac – Coffee 2018熱門產品選購指南

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Moon Buggy Flac - Coffee 2018

Subtle elegance!

Light denim and soft black faux-leather handles make the Flac - Coffee stand out as one of the trendiest buggies of its range.

With its large sprung comfort rubber wheels Moon's buggy Flac cuts quite a dash on any terrain. It's swivel front wheels contribute to the buggy's manoeuvrability even in tight corners.

Due to its patented 3D fold system it can be folded into a compact size. The large shopping basket with a zip on the side provides you with enough space to store travel essentials and other necessities for when you're on the go.

The sport seat with an additional soft-padded seat insert will make your little one feel super comfy and even more excited to explore the world around. A removable swivel front bar with a safety belt as well as the padded five-point harness prevent your child from standing up and falling out of the buggy.

Due to its adjustable footrest and backrest you can easily recline the seat so that your child can have a nap wherever you go.

The canopy, equipped with a patented zip system and UV protection 50+, not only protects your little one in any wind and weather but also controls the climate inside the buggy with its integrated air circulation system.

Tip: With an adaptor (sold separately!) for your infant car seat (suitable for various types) you can easily transform the Buggy Flac into a full-featured Travel-System.

Product details:

  • Subtle and elegant details

  • Rubber wheels: front wheels 18 cm, rear wheels 24,5 cm

  • Full recline position possible, adjustable backrest and footrest搶購CP值爆表

  • 2018熱門產品選購指南
  • Soft-padded seat insert

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Five-point harness

  • Spacious shopping basket with zip

  • Parking brake

  • Canopy with UV protection 50+ and air circulation system

  • Height of handlebar: 107 cm

  • Maximum weight capacity: 15 kg

  • Size open: L 72 x W 59 x H 105 cm

  • Size folded: L 72 x W 42 x H 38 cm

  • Weight: 10,3 kg




Moon Buggy Flac – Coffee





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採訪颶風新聞...10分後遭倒塌大樹狠砸 2記者慘死

亞熱帶風暴艾柏托(Alberto)28日從美國佛州登陸,為東南部地區帶來狂風暴雨,影響當地數百萬居民,現在更傳出有記者不幸身亡。美國WYFF News4主播麥克(Mike McCormick)和攝影記者史麥特茲(Aaron Smeltzer)為了報導颶風新聞外出採訪,卻在回程途中遭倒塌大樹砸中,2人困在車內當場喪命。

據美國《邁阿密先鋒報》(Miami Herald)報導,麥克和史麥特茲於當地時間28日2時30分許外出,前往北卡羅萊納州的特賴恩市(Tryon)採訪當地消防部門,結束後準備返回位於南卡羅萊納州的電視台,卻在176號公路上遭1棵倒塌的大樹直接砸中車子,2人都當場罹難。

特賴恩市消防局長田奈特(Geoffrey Tennant)透露,他才剛接受完2人訪問,不料才10分鐘就接到通報電話,而死者就是麥克與史麥特茲。WYFF-TV新聞室主任巴克利(Bruce Barkley)則說,2人是非常優秀的新聞工作者,全體員工現在都相當悲慟,「他們都是團隊的重要成員,我們一定會非常想念他們」。

報導指出,艾柏托28日下午從佛州拉古納海灘(Laguna Beach)登陸,目前正以14公里的時速往北移動,最大風速可達時速72公里,預估將對美國東南部數州造成影響,雖然威力會隨著間慢慢減弱,但仍可能帶來大雨和突發性洪水等威脅,因此當局目前已對數千名居民進行預防性疏散。

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Moon Buggy Flac – Coffee

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