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2003-06-29 10:33:58| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Hey, it's just stupid, isn't it?!

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Man, why I'm so fxxking stupid in recently? Being a jerk, idiot, fool, or even an asshole; Asking myself if I am fxxking happy or not; Thinking I committed some kind of damn crime of treating myself and others bad(I can't find the other word to subsitute it, sorry, it sounds kind of simple~)

Right now, I am so damn clear about what I want and going to face, it's having a new life, a new life that make me at least kind of happier (or having it without my sister...)

Dear My Friends, trust me, I will not change into a guy who you guys feel unconfortable with~~haha~~

As you guys saw my NEW ica info, you know how's my new discovered feeling about her, right?
But I think calling each other husband and wife is better than brother and sister, haha, may be I'm just mocking somebody....

台長: 豪宅
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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