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2008-11-03 14:25:59| 人氣25| 回應0 | 上一篇

* Sorry , I Love You ! *

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Today I stay at home all day long ~

and I keep thinking about my baby .

Now he is in business learning trip in Hong Kong for 6 days .

I miss my baby so much !!

He told me when he arrived there , he will try to find a way to call me,

letting me know that he is fine and safety .

But I can understand maybe it is difficult to call for international call from there ......

And I really feel sorry to my baby

cause I made him feel sad the day before he left from Korea ....

Sorry baby~

I know you care about our promised and the symbal that represent our love so much

even I do !

The Tiffany ring that you bought for me , I treasure it so much ,even I thought about to wear it as a

necklace ,but I am afraid that it will be scratched !!

But from now , I will wear it with me everyday I promised you !!

I really want to say sorry to you that sometimes I really don't know how to

show my emotion to you .

As I told you , about love ,I don't know too much and also I am a rational person ......

I am not the kind of girl who always sticky with their boyfriend ...

but if you like , I will try till you feel so annoying ~

Ha Ha ! Is that OK ??

 sorry , maybe I am too rational

sometimes I forgot that my baby needs to have girlfriend's concern ~

I will try my best to be a good girlfriend that let you warm and satisfied !!

sorry baby ~

I love you !! this is one thing that won't need to worry !!

hope everything will be fine in HK !

台長: Faith
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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