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2008-09-21 16:42:42| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Gloomy Day...

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I turned on my computer like yesterday and the day before yesterday..

Let me see...

Ah~ my baby is on MSN~~



? My baby doesnt sit on the computer? hm...

How about phone....

(Ring Ring Ring........)

no answer? washing? hum...


ah? Allison?


what? My baby is not okay in 2 days?

what happened to her..?

Please, answer baby....answer...

ah...she answered...hoo...

but she said she doesnt want to talk with me...

Fortunately no bad things happen to her family...

If so....because of me???


What did I do? Let me think...


Damn my memory....



I said without knowing what situation is now...

I hate my speaking... so bad...


article?...when did she write? I checked our blog this morning...

ah...?? there is...



I wanna be next to my baby...

my baby said she is crying and feeling so bad...

what can I help...what can I do...

I only can pray and wish for her...


Finally I can see my baby....

look a patient...

So sad.....

Now she seems to be better than before...

she worries about me and allison.....

how stupid my baby....

But I love this stupid girl so much...

I love you baby....

台長: Faith
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