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2009-10-03 06:49:45| 人氣143| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Moon Festival

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The 15th of August  on the lunar calendar is Moon Festival. We always have a barbecue with family and friends in the evening, and admiring the moon. The Moon Festival is full moon. In this day we like eating moon cakes and a kind of tropical fruit that's shaddock.  The moon festival have a fairy tales from  ancient days. Long time ago, a hero who have a pretty wife. One day, his wife ate a magic medicine, and flown to moon. So Chinese people believe there are a pretty woman , a strong man who choping a tree, and a rabbit live in moon. Even if Neil Armstrong said that nothing was in moon. But this fairy tales are always beautiful and be tell continued.

Above it's a story about Moon Festival. I tried to write it in English. It's very short, isn't it? But let me use different language to thought about our cultures, and our celebrations. Now I miss our celebration, foods, family and friends so much.

台長: Zona
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miss u too
運動會需要你歐 哈哈
2009-10-08 00:00:19
It was arraged very well, even though without me.
2009-10-25 08:19:00
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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