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2009-09-29 01:55:20| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Beginng to write English diary

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Monday, 2009/09/28 

Today is The Confucian's Day. This day is very important in the country of Chinese culture, because it's The Teacher's Day too. But I indeed forgot it . Because I was in England, there weren't too much imformations and news about this day's celebration. I only saw one news about" Confucian family tree triples "form BBC website. But I didn't think of  teacher's day.

When I came home after school today, I used internet and read messages on facebook. My Taiwan's friends  disussed about the Teacher's day. I send text messages and e-mail to my teachers immediately. I hope it wasn't too late. It's so amazing that my teachers all  responded some messages as soon as I send out my messages. I'm so pleasured.

Today is a lovely day. I got promotion in my English class. I'm so proud of getting promotion. Whereas I very nervous. So I'll study as harder as I can. I hope I can study well. And having a strong English language included speaking ,listening , reading and writing. 


台長: Zona
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