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2014-06-23 14:38:21| 人氣154| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I’m sharing with you today

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Have you been to The Olive Garden? If you have then you probably are more than familiar with their famous salad and breadsticks. I could go to the restaurant and just have those two things for my entire dinner. In fact, I have! Thankfully I don’t do that every time. Because I might have never discovered the Chicken & Gnocchi Soup or their Tuscan Garlic Chicken. Yes, the namesake and inspiration for the recipe I’m sharing with you today.成立公司

If you don’t like cheesy sauces poured over crispy savory chicken and served atop tender fettuccine noodles, then you really shouldn’t make this dish. The sauce is absolutely amazing! So creamy and rich…Mmmmmm, I may or may not have licked the spoon one or seventeen times during the cooking process elyze. It’s SO good! That, paired with the crispy, juicy and tender garlic chicken is a winning combination. I will be making this chicken again and again. I’m hooked elyze!

台長: xuelian
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