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2018-10-31 10:57:15

while the amount they owe increases

For most Americans not able to pay off a credit-card balance, the most common choice at bill-paying time is to pay the minimum balance—an approach that keeps them treading water while the amount...

2016-03-16 11:09:10

The keys to successful meringue

2111.jpgI simply adore the pristine glossines of egg whites beaten to meringue consistency and there’s something about going to bed at night knowing that you have a dessert tucked away in the oven (I...

2015-04-13 15:18:51

to defuse any bitter tendency

I have a special fondness for the winter market.Oh, sure, I have to bundle up, wear a woolen cap and good gloves, and by the time I lock my bike to the street sign I’ve claimed as mine, few of m...

2014-11-26 09:42:31

the options are limitless

I think it’s time that we share a pasta dish. What do you think? I’ve got a great one for you today and it comes in the form of spicy pasta with broccoli and turkey … and crispy bre...

2014-10-22 14:08:32

part-aaay with this crew

I’ve got a pile of golden brown sauteed garlic butter mushrooms and delicately wilted spinach heaped over a pan of warm, creamy, Parm-speckled, white wine soaked risotto that are just looking for a g...

2014-09-22 10:51:47

It might work for you

This recipe for Pasta Salad with Romanesco, Capers, and Saffron originally appeared at FoodPolitic.One of the biggest perks of living in Southern California is the year-round farmer’s market ava...

2014-08-18 17:56:48

accidentally crispy frosting

The only little ‘issue’ I had while making this was that, after some research on different kinds of banana breads, I was expecting it to take only about 35 minutes to bake. Wrong. It was clearly sti...

2014-07-24 11:44:32

Sweet Potato Chips

Sometimes recipes come together right away and it’s a wonderful, wonderful thing. And other times, it takes several tries to get it right. This was one of those “several tries” recip...

2014-06-23 14:38:21

I’m sharing with you today

Have you been to The Olive Garden? If you have then you probably are more than familiar with their famous salad and breadsticks. I could go to the restaurant and just have those two things for my enti...

2014-06-12 12:00:20

my favorite lunch was always

Tomorrow is Round 3 of the Masters and I’m so looking forward to watching. The Masters is famous for their pimento cheese sandwiches, and you can make one using some good bread and my pimento ch...

2014-05-29 15:25:37

can ruin the whole thing

I never was a potato salad person. I’m not sure why. I think it’s partly because when someone else makes potato salad, you’re not exactly sure what’s in it, and it’s just...

2014-05-29 15:25:36

can ruin the whole thing

I never was a potato salad person. I’m not sure why. I think it’s partly because when someone else makes potato salad, you’re not exactly sure what’s in it, and it’s just this mass of white lumpy...

2014-05-21 11:42:07

in the warm night air

As a Christmas present this year, my parents (ever-so-loving that they are) bought my sister and I a plane ticket to Europe. Tenaya finally cashed in her voucher and I found her waiting, bags in hand,...

2014-05-09 11:01:01

attack like the one the cat had

In China, people believe that, at the beginning, they were very intimate friends, and the cat was even much smarter than the tiger.The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the tiger was always...

2014-05-09 11:01:01

attack like the one the cat had

In China, people believe that, at the beginning, they were very intimate friends, and the cat was even much smarter than the tiger Maggie Beauty.The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the ti...

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