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TOP 50 MBA Essay Example

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2. Please discuss your intermediate and long-term professional goals and why you want an MFE degree at this point in your career. In what ways do you think an MFE degree will help you achieve these goals? What do you expect from this program and why have you chosen the Haas MFE Program? (minimum:250 words)


Following graduation, I expect to be a quantitative analyst in financial institutions such as global investment banks or funds, especially a staff member in a research and development or derivatives department, where I can design new financial tools, create new models of derivative trading, and introduce them to the world market. This is because I love researches and I like the quantitative methodologies involved. Another reason for I choosing a quantitative analyst in IBD or funds is their close team-working atmosphere and intellectual challenges involved. However, what I’ve learnt at college is far from enough for me to getting started as a quantitative analyst. Further training is a must in such career. Therefore, I chose to study for a MFE degree.


My final destiny is to apply my knowledge and ability to help establish a “perfect” capital market for China . In recent years, all of China , including her capital markets, began developing at a most rapid rate.  However, many operational modes as well as theories of Chinese financial markets remain largely underdeveloped, which is the same case for financial laws and institutions.  Beginning in 2006, the Chinese capital market became seriously threatened when large amounts of money flooded into the Chinese stock market.  With only a few available financial tools and limited concepts of risk-aversion or value investing, investors gamble their money in stocks and funds.  As a result, firms generally have absurdly high price to earnings ratios, and great bubbles begin to expand.  If not dealt with properly, these bubbles could collapse, and such capital market disruptions could turn into severe social problems.  In such a social context, I found in myself the urge to refine this market, promote its completeness, and its healthy long-term development.  Henceforth, with China increasingly opening to the international capital market, I will contribute in constructing a new, broad, and sound investment environment for investors from all over the world. Such goals can only be attained if I had the professional knowledge and tools in the field of Financial Engineering.


In seeking an in-depth understanding of the sophisticated financial market as well as professional problem solving skills, I eagerly look forward to learning at the MFE program at UC. Berkeley , because of its world renowned education in finance, i.e. advanced theories in asset pricing, stochastic theories, derivatives, and successful training in computational and modeling skills.  I readily believe that your program will grant me a higher starting-point in my career


台長: 何顧問
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