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2008-08-04 22:08:05| 人氣215| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy belated birthday Daniel [:

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Thanks for always craking me up heheheh

Yesterday was kinda’ boringgg
Bought hair stuff..
Mm then went to Jurong Library
Then I got to chat with Angela omg omg omg! :D
I miss you loadssssss ]]:
And I hope that stupid * goes home soon!!!! ^^
Hope your mom goes over sooon too hehe! :D
Love you always darling [[[:
Mm went for dinner with Qiao Yan, Shawn and Wei Qing after that
Haaha quite fun lah
Then Qiao Yan and Wei Qing bought the same food as me and Shawn
Was quite funny hahaha
Then walked abit.
Then went homeee
And on the train ride home, we came up with a person called ‘ME’
Omg hell funny, anddd I took a pic of it ^^

Today was pretty good hehehe
The moment I woke up, I had a text from Daniel asking me to go out today, woohooooo
Happpyyyy, so long haven’t met up with him (:
Hehehe went to Jurong Point with family and grandparents
Stupid bro bought a stupid Bionicle
Damnit unfair, man.
$30+ can wth man
Met Daniel, Sophia and Irene after that
Yaynessss! :D
Love you guys uber uber uber uber uber much! :D
Went to JE
Then ate Pizza Hut hehehe
Cost 10+ but.. yea -.-
Then omg we were like the loudest there hahahha
Then we were laughing like hell lah cannnnnn
Went to the library after that then played on Daniel’s tablet :D
Omg omg omg omg damneddd funnn and like, wth super cool lah can!!!!
Then we started drawing random stuff on it ^^
Hee hee
That’s what I drew:
Melanie-style kind of drawing
ANDD I drew the frozen tuna ^^
The thing on how the frozen tuna comes about.. is a longggggg story -.-
Anyways its like, everytime I hang out with P6 friends I just feel bloody happy and damned carefree [:
I miss 6F ((:
Oh yes and we took photos in the bathroom hahah funnnyyy :D
Anyways today rocked,
Love youuuuuuuuu 6F <3
Anddddd I still miss you bloooody lots Angelaaaaa, confused now stillll ><
The picture of 'ME' HAHHA

台長: #-SARAH
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此分類下一篇:Today was cool
此分類上一篇:The Mummy rocks ^^

nvr thank me for my sms seh-.-

nvr see u at JE today
i left then u came-.-
jie ying was hyper today haha
2008-08-04 22:12:42
Umm.. thnks?

Lol okay haha had fun with my friends.
2008-08-05 20:26:57
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