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2008-05-27 17:42:45| 人氣108| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I hate you, Darling ♥

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-Our wonderfully tattoo-ed arms ^^-

Today was so much better than yesterday, haha!
Woke up late again today so missed the bus as usual
English was pretty okay, had tons of extra time, haha
388 words, I think it was all crap -.-
Anyways, break was dang fun
They started spraying each other with my water bottle -.-
’Cos I brought the Nike spray one so it was kinda’ a mini water fight, haha!
Went to canteen to fill it up, and saw Samuel
Then started spraying him as well HAHA!
Then Shawn tried to abduct my bottle again -.-
Scienceeeeeee was.. really easy.
I swear it was DAMNED easy.
Only problem is, I didn’t finish it -.-
Stupid me lah, go look around -.-
-Smacks head repeatedly-
Lunch was the best hahaha!
Ate with Shawn ’cos Angela went to eat with Viv
Shawn you childish!
Went to table tennis room after that
Started spraying each other again
Angela was spraying the mirror then drawing smiley faces on it, hahaha so cute! :D
Shawn you better not touch me ah!
Otherwise my DESU go beat you up!
And yea, DESU I’ll poke you ^^
I hope the boys won their game today :D
Lunch was reallyyyy fun today :D
After that we went down and were deciding whether to go home or not, haha!
In the end, for Review Time, we made Angela and Jo Rick move to our side :D
Hahaha then we were passing notes, omg damned fun and damned funny, hahaha!
Then we started drawing on our arms :D
Me and Angela’s :D
Love youuu darling, hahaha!
Angela said she liked our very messy table :D
-Beams proudly-
Jo Rick wrote this on my arm.
You totally wish you were too hot for me.

Hahaha then we had this whole discussion about who was too hot for who
Yea I very poor thing -.-

Tried so hard to take the picture ’cos had to hang it on the table and Zenn and Jo Rick kept kicking the table so it fell off -.-
Lame lah you two
So I moved to the other table, hahaha!

Today’s Review Time was so much better I swear
Tmrrr we’ll draw somemore kay ^^
Hahah then take more pics :D

Hate you guys so much ♥


台長: #-SARAH
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haha i nvr touch u loh.its the bottle.ur bro is damn can loh.u go spray him haha.then we go snatch the bottle lol.angela n jo rick nvr use b4 such bottle sia haha.i got more marker le tmr we go draw more.
rmber to bring extra shirt arh for tmr. my tatoo got smudge by the rain sia tmr must go redraw
2008-05-27 17:48:20
Yes you touched meeeeee!
So many times okay!!!
I get Jo Rick to beat you up, hmph.
HAHHA I sprayed him in the bus and he poured water on me -.-
Hahaha okay yayeee more drawing :D
Love the rain ^^
2008-05-27 18:20:46
haha yepp hate you so much!♥
ehh that is copy righted ehhh -.-
haha jk lah
then yea very fun
cept that accidently sprayed on the 2 koreans
bet they are like super duper mad okay
i saw their faces they were just like gonna murder me like that -.-
iee very scary
gonna say sorry tomorrow :P
hehe hate you too! ♥
2008-05-27 18:05:15
HAHAHA i know its copyright, you very pro, hahaha!
Yea poor them, hahaha!
I go with you tmr hahaha :D
Hate you loaddsssss! ♥
2008-05-27 18:21:23
i didnt touch u.n ccb qiaoyan say i rape u.lol
2008-05-27 19:17:57
Right... you so totally touched me.
2008-05-27 20:15:29
2008-05-29 18:18:25
哈哈当然可以呀 :D
hehe,谢谢 ^^
2008-05-29 19:18:21
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