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2008-05-26 19:32:02| 人氣77| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Concordia Cup

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Concordia Cup was on Saturday :D
We like all waited half an hour for Mr Foster to come -.-
Then we had to go pick up Ms Butler
Was so much better after she came, haha
Did Math, listened to music and chatted on the bus.
When we reached Concordia after what seemed like a really long time, we saw the Barbie Girls ^^

First game at the comfy ’lil gym, 15 - 10, we won :D
Was dang cool alright.
I played in the first game but was reallyyyyy nervous.
Stretches were really cool tho haha.

Second game at the ’lil gym again, we won ummm 18 - 5?
It was against a China school I think
They like didn’t handle the ball properly and they kept pushing and shoving.
Gosh, people.
Jane got pretty mad at them, haha.

Third game against Barbie Girls (a.k.a BISS)
Ms Butler was still like, ’Nooo I’m really sure its PISS, i thought it was rally funny at first because you know its like, PISS?’
We laughed soooo hard! Hahaha
Anyways, we won that ^^
20 - 0
Do we rock, or what?
I heard No. 6 talking bout elbowing me -.-
Thanks, girl.
Anyway, she was really pretty, ’cept for the elbowing me part.

Fourth game was against this school can’t remember
We losttttt
By like I dunnoe 3 points?
Damned pissed alright
In fact the whole team was.
And the effed up referee just sucked.
Gosh, stop being so damned bias alright, people want to win as well.
Even Miss Butler was pissed off.
Ah since it was the semi-finals and we lost, we had to fight for 3rd or 4th place.

Fifth game, we lost again.
Damnit lah kay
Then there were these effed up parents at the side lines being all racist and saying how we suck.
I swear I would’ve punched them in the face if I had a chance.

Ahhh anyways there was this girl who was realllyyyy tall and she jumped reallyyyy highhhhhhh.
And she did really good 3 pointers.
And she like blocked so many of Eloane’s rebounds and stuff kay wth lah!

We got 4th :/
Anyways, the boys won the Championships ^^
Hahah our boys rock alright!
Slept on the bus on the way back with Fiona
Went to Mr Pizza for dinner with Viv, Fio, Jeff and Ben
Was pretty cool, haha then the boys were trying to hack through the cellphone codes, haha, and the stupid Power Ranger thing -.-
Went home after that, heard my Dad crashed into someone but yeaaaaaaaa.
I love Basketball so damnedddddd much :D
Totally looking forward to the game on International Day, hahaha!
This time, we WILL win ^^

台長: #-SARAH
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haha racist parents? pro lah bet its cheena ppl sia.They suck more i guess.The referee from shanghai mah so they are obviously bias to shanghai international sch.haha cao sway lah ur.the boys were pro lah.stupid ben use viv hp go call me n say ily.lol so gay man his voice.havnt break yet i guess haha damn bapuk sia.
Good luck for international day basketball match lah goin to skip inter day i think.My mum helping out though goin to be difficult.i go lobang ur bus arh haha then dun need to go le
2008-05-26 19:40:00
HAHAH they were damned racist to Eloane.
Haha the refs were effed up
Told you our boys rock ^^
HAHA oh yea that part was gay lame.
2008-05-27 18:17:50
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