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2005-07-01 23:41:54| 人氣7| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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today we still in hk........at 9.......we wake up lu......we then make up and go out eat breakfast with betty's auntie and uncle.........

after that......we go to 西9 龍中心 walk........there.............since many shops not yet open.............so we go to the top floor and play ........but the coins are very expensive......so we play a little only...........but a boy beside saying and saying.......so troublesome a........hate him very much...........really eat shit big ge............

then we start to walk round lu......but nth we wanna buy ga............then we go to 碼頭 .........i see amenda lei in the MTR........in the 碼頭......there is a handsome guy a.........kaka.......and come back to Macao lu.......this time..........both tickets are super class ge..........good a............hv things to eat a...........haha......... but the weather is not good today.,......so there are lots of waves a.............make us wanna vomit..........

we arrive jor macau......then betty call her mother to go hm with her........and i wait for roxi.........then i go hm.........he go to teach piano.........i go hm bath and wash hair.......then i go out lu,.............

today i still hv lessons a..........and also i need to learn piano a.......ai............havent practice a........how can i learn a.........shit..........today a new student also........he ....always fishing a..........just like candy u./........

after the lesson.........i go hm with roxi.......we walk and talk and laugh..........very hapi.......he come jor and mama give him some cakes and ask hm to take hm eat........

then i eat dinner and watch tv............today so tired a......so i did not online .........

this 2 days......very hapi a...........becoz this is the first time i go to hk with my fds a...........haha..............but i miss someone a........i wanna go with him ga........but he dont hv time........but nvm.........he hapi is ok la............

台長: 琴獸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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