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2005-06-28 22:40:20| 人氣8| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

6月28............. date gels for 2 times

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today wake up at 9.00...........then roxi come jor........wait jor a while................then we go to buy mobile................

then he leave jor........and i go hm and go to buy sth with 牛 s 王.....................then i go hm............

after a while.i go out ......i date jor gels in McDonalds.............becoz roxi wanna ch to ctm..............then we eat lunch in Mcdonalds.............

after all.........we chat jor a while............then we leave.......i go to roxi's hm and wait till 4.00..............and go to hv lesson lu............

then 4.30....i go to 水坑尾 to get a form............and i back to hv lesson again/.....then leave la.,....

and go to ctm in 台山 .........need to date gels again.......becoz my auntie also wanna ch to ctm a................kaka/.............

after a while.............i go hm and eat dinner..................get jor tickets to hk and get jor $1000 from 牛 s 王's mother and $500 from my mother.................

台長: 琴獸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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