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2005-11-09 20:30:10| 人氣23| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Dear you: 

 You whether or not knew I am unable to endure you to my desolateness

 You whether or not knew actually the lonely person is I

 I am unable to be fully correct in assumptions your heart I not tohave the courage to grip tightly in at present all

 Because I am afraid lose again

 You did not know why already nobody was allowed to substitute in minepsychology

 This is not the love because this is one kind is unable to let loosethe hand to favor drowns

 Did not know why I always has complain and regret to your institutemost matte

 I was sorry very much lets you so feel bad the vitality

 Because does not have the ability I am fully correct in assumptionsyour heart

 If may I hope was allowed to return former that kind of happy day

 You smile let my heart be warm

 You sadly let me want a person to shoulder for you

 I feel bad because your tear I do not have the ability to undertakeall sorts for you

台長: 魈ˇ
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