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2013-08-24 07:57:18| 人氣248| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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English is very important , especial when you stay in western country.

I cannot say people have discrimination , but when you cannot speak english well

they will judge your talent and work performance 

Thus, no matter you put many efforts , they may doubt your decisions

your one sentence which you may think a lot of times is not good enough than locals' idea

people always respect someone who has good express ability. 

shit ... but these people they just can say , they don't do it in a practical way. 

I really hate this kind of people. 

It is true that I still need to work on learning english but just feel this world is not really fair.. 

LIFE IS UNFAIR ... I can tell now. 


台長: Oo呆子oO
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