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2002-06-10 06:55:40| 人氣116| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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值得一提的就是右下角的那棵樹,那就是紐西蘭的聖誕樹,叫做Pohutukawa Tree。這種樹象徵家庭,對毛利人傳統文化裡的家庭聚集觀念很重要,我猜大概就像是我們的榕樹吧…?記得高中的英文課,老師要我們唸一本The Pohutukawa Tree的小說,就是在講毛利人家庭興衰的故事,也因為要寫很多報告文章,我也好不容易把這麼落落長的字Pohutukawa給背起來。Pohutukawa樹在紐西蘭北島沿海都可以看的到,紅色像針一般的花辦,很有趣喔。只是花謝的時候,掃地的人就很辛苦啦!


16 September 1992
In the past, many Christmas stamps depicted the traditional story and customs which surround Christmas.
On the 1992 Christmas stamp issue the theme of 'Christmas in New Zealand' was adopted. On a pictorial block of four 45c stamps, Santa and his reindeer pass over streets dotted with kauri villas. Blossoming Pohutukawa trees front the beach and the blue of the sea and sky merge on the horizon as a bright summer day dawns.

Most New Zealanders have grown up with Christmas images imported from the Northern Hemisphere. Warmly clad children building snowmen, roaring fires and holly wreaths adorn our Christmas cards. But the reality of course, is quite different.

‧45c x 4 Four 45c stamps depict Reindeer; Reindeer and Father Christmas; Christmas tree; and eager Children

‧65c Fireplace with stockings awaiting Santa's visit.

‧$1.00 Church

‧$1.50 Pohutukawa Tree (New Zealand Christmas Tree)


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