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2009-07-11 10:36:50| 人氣253| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

It has been three weeks from the first day I came back...

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finally, I have time to write something here....

Im back!!!!

things r getting harder now....

I have whole bunch things need to finish.

going to Taipei for the ceremony meeting and coming back for my toefl class.....

yesterday was exhauscted....

I woke up at 6am and got ready to go to Taipei for the meeting...

cause I heard that I have to be there at 10am...which means I have to take 7am bus to get there...or I will be late!!!

(sometimes I feel like living in Taichung is not very convenient!!!!!!)

on the way to the Bus station, mom stopped at a breakfast restaurant, I bought something!!

almost forget how taiwanese breakfast taste like!!!!!!that was relishing!!!

I can tell, that was appetizing!!!

I caught a 7:25 bus to take me to the taipei bus station's east 2 door.

I fell asleep on the way to Taipei......

after I got in Taipei city, I ran asap to the ayusa office!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....and I was freezed...in the post time..I always come with my friends...so I never press the number of the floor.......

I felt like foolish................................

3 ? 4 ? 5 ? ...........

finally!!! I found it!!!

we went to the place for our rehearsal!!!

I left at 3:45pm... caught a bus at 4:10pm!!

I knew it!!! Im gonna to be late for my english class.....

my cousin came to pick me up at 6:45...my class started at 6:45 XD...

cause of the slow bus and the traffic....I was late....>"<

glad that Cherry called me and told me she has already found a seat for me!!

so I will have a seat for my class!!!

the class was ok fun, and I met someone who is in college, she is a sophomore and study international finanical...awesome!!

I wish I can do something cool when Im in college!!!

after the class, is 10pm!!!

and got to sleep at 2pm!!


ceremony is next weekend!!! we can do it!!!

台長: rebecca12163
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