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Japan Passes $1 Trillion Budget to Boost Economy

Published: March 24, 2010

Haruyoshi Yamaguchi/Bloomberg News 

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, right, spoke withFinance Minister Naoto Kan at the upper house of parliament in Tokyo onWednesday as they worked to pass a budget.

TOKYO — The Japanese government pushed a record ¥92.3 trillion budgetthrough Parliament Wednesday aimed at stimulating growth in thelong-stagnant economy — another round of spending that will add toTokyo’s already burgeoning public debt.

In a striking reversal of the privatization efforts of previousadministrations, the government also said Wednesday that it wouldretain a significant stake in the country’s mammoth postal bankingsystem, keeping a tight grip on a financial conglomerate that has beenblamed for many for inefficiencies and distortions in Japan, which hasthe world’s second-largest economy.

The record budget, worth $1 trillion, for the fiscal year starting inApril will pay for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s ambitious stimulusagenda, including cash handouts to households with young children, freetuition at public high schools and income support for farmers.

Mr. Hatoyama, who heads the Democratic Party, is looking to bolsterboth Japan’s economy, which has been hit by deflation, and his slumpingpopularity before important elections due this summer.

“Creating a virtuous circle in which a growth strategy spurs employmentand demand will help combat deflation,” Mr. Hatoyama said.

Recent data shows the Japanese economy is slowly emerging from itsworst recession since World War II, as a global recovery sets off arebound in exports, production and employment.

But some economists worry about runaway government spending in Japan,which is already saddled with a public debt twice the size of itseconomy — the worst ratio among industrialized countries. Thegovernment said it would issue a record ¥44 trillion in bonds tofinance the budget for next year and cover for a sharp shortfall in taxrevenue.

In January, the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s cut its outlookfor Japan’s sovereign rating, saying that Mr. Hatoyama appeared to haveno plan to start containing the country’s spiraling debt.

Japan’s fiscal largesse has long been supported by Japan Post, thecountry’s biggest customer for Japanese government bonds. A de-factogovernment guarantee on deposits made at the postal bank has attractedhuge funds: about ¥300 trillion, or more than the annual gross domesticoutput of France.

largesse  the act or quality of being generous with money; money that you give to people who have less than you 慷慨解囊;施捨;(給窮人的)錢,贈款

Those funds, in turn, made their way to pork-barrel public worksprojects across the country, like dams on virtually every major riverin Japan and mountainous roads to nowhere.

pork barrel   local projects that are given a lot of government money in order to win votes; the money that is used 分肥項目,分肥撥款(議員等為爭取選票而促使政府撥款給所屬地區的發展項目)

In an attempt to remedy the unhealthy flow of finances, the formerprime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, started a privatization drive. Undera plan spearheaded by Mr. Koizumi, Japan Post’s financial units were tobe freed from government control by 2017, a centerpiece of structuralchanges designed to forge a more market-oriented economy in Japan.

Though Mr. Koizumi’s plans appeared to enjoy public support at thetime, disastrous terms in office for his successors — and painfulrecession after the global economic crisis — have largely discreditedhis privatization agenda.

In August, Mr. Hatoyama cast Mr. Koizumi’s Liberal Democrats from powerin a landmark election that ended a half-century of almostuninterrupted governance in Japan. The new administration soon began areview of the postal privatization process.

A draft postal bill announced by the government Wednesday said that thestate would hold onto more than one-third of its shares in Japan Post —a stake that would give it the right to veto any changes to thecompany’s management.

The government also said it would double the limit on postal savingsdeposits to ¥20 million per customer from ¥10 million — a move thatcould suck even more funds from the Japanese economy. The move has alsoraised concerns that the huge state-affiliated entity could crowd outbusiness at private banks.

“Reversing postal privatization means grave distortions will remain inthe Japanese economy. The state will now be able to continue offloadingbonds to Japan Post, and that will encourage reckless governmentspending,” said Satoru Matsubara, a professor of economic policy atToyo University. .

“Private banks will also suffer from unfair competition,” he said.

But anti-market proponents within Mr. Hatoyama’s administration haveargued that privatizing Japan Post would lead to cutbacks in thefinancial services available in rural areas of Japan. For residents ofsome far-flung villages and tiny islands, the local post officeprovides the only access to banking services.

proponent  a person who supports an idea or course of action 倡導者;支持者;擁護者

Japan Post runs a network of 24,000 offices across the country supported by an army of 430,000 full- and part-time staff.

“Government involvement is necessary to make sure we provide universalservices,” Shizuka Kamei, the banking minister, said Wednesday. “Wewill be careful not to squeeze the public sector,” said InternalAffairs Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi.

The government expects the postal overhaul bill to clear Parliament inJune and the changes to take place around April 2012, said KoheiOtsuka, the vice financial services minister.

Private banks criticized the government’s move.

“If the postal bank continues to operate as a government affiliate,there will be no level playing field,” said Katsunori Nagayasu,president of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and head of the JapaneseBankers Association, which represents 124 banks across the country.

“As a fundamental rule, government enterprises should stick to supplementing the public sector,” Mr. Nagayasu said.











(2010年3月24日23時00分  読売新聞)


January 1, 2010
顧問 陳鵬仁

一般歲出五十三兆七千七百三十一日圓(增加 3.3%),其中社會保障二十七兆二千六百八十六億日圓(增9.8%),公共事業五兆七千七百三十一億日圓(減少9.8%),振興文教科技五兆五千八百六十億日圓(增5.2%),防衛四兆七千九百零三億日圓(增0.3%)。交付地方稅等十七兆四千七百七十七億日圓(增5.5%),還國債二十兆六千四百九十一億日圓(2%)。歲入:稅收三十七兆二千九百九十二億日圓(減少18.9%),稅收外收入十兆六千二億日圓(增15.8%),發行國債四十四兆三千三十億日圓(增33.1%),總預算(一般會計)為九十二兆二千九百九十二億日圓(增4.2%)。
(本文刊載於99.01.01 民眾日報4版,本文代表作者個人意見)


The news stories and op-ed article were taken from the website of The New York Times, Yomiuri Shinbun and 財團法人國家政策研究基金會 at the URL stated below each article.  The copyright remains with the original owners.  The New York Times, Yomiuri Shinbun and 財團法人國家政策研究基金會 are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

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