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A journal for literature course

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October 21, 2009

Dr. Desmet said,

Let something come out of you──

Then, it will be true.


Saying something totally “true” is not that simple I guess.

Honesty is such a lonely word, especially the honesty to face oneself.

However, sometimes, one honest voice is louder than a crowd.

So here’s my try out for saying something “true”.


Recently I’ve been wondering what kinds of

Roles I’m playing in my life so far

Rather than a

Responsible, hard working student.


My sister’s model, as I’ve always been taught.

My parents’ daughter, filial and meek, as one’s morality.

An experienced listener who’s got plenty of secrets in her pocket.

A consultant of my friends who gives objective advice.

A busy-to-death leader who deals with troubles every day, with lots of people’s trust.

A girl who always gives herself high standards and pressure.

My personal warner who force me to be responsible.

More, more, more. I must have been more than these…


Those roles are not who I am, but

Are what I did in order to satisfy others.

Finally it’s true that I don’t know who I am yet,

Though I thought I knew.

I want to live my life in my own way, for myself.


Guess I am a solitary soul searching for the real me

Grieving, from time to time,

For some heart-breaking, fortuitous wounds that once brought me down.

Gradually I learn how to weep with no sound, and to be independent,

Getting ready to start out an eternal journey of myself

From myself.


Time, time, time.

People always ask for more time.

Time, there’s always time

To grow up

To forget

To move on

Time, there’s always time

On my mind

Pass me by, I’ll be fine

Just give me time.


We live only to discover beauty, all else

Is just a form of waiting.

And I will be praying,

For the faith I’ve always believed in.



An end leads to a new start.

Leliel, when you get lost,

Or encounter frustrations, even sorrows,


Never forget how you suffered in the past.

Make them be your precious experiences

With tender strength that enable you to carry on.


Never forget how you promised yourself to keep the faith.

Give others a hand when proper─warm heart.

Respect yourself, as well others-sincere attitude.

Realize your dream-perseverance.


Never forget where you are from, your own story.

And with those memories,

Promise yourself again that

You will go for the final destination, resolutely.


Leliel, be brave to go and find yourself, and I believe that

Someday, the answer will appear.




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